Chapter 6

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Now back at home, things were still uneasy. Walking through the door, the cool air of our apartment slapped my pale skin, and it sent shivers down my spine. My head was still spinning, and Brandon was still upset.

Unlike before, the loss of his sister wasn't easy. He only grieved for about a day when his father passed away. He didn't even cry when he passed on. But his sister was different. Hollie meant everything to him. He stood up for her when ever need be. Don was overly protective of Hollie. Anytime something happened to her, he would step in and beat whoever needed it, lend a shoulder when she needed it, or take a bullet if meant saving her life.

Following me into the apartment, Don crept into the room, and walked directly over to the balcony. I closed the door, and turned to watch him slowly open the door to the balcony and walk out. Instead of sliding the door closed behind him, he proceeded to the railing and fell limp over the balcony. His arms stopped the railing from colliding with his chest, but his head fell over.

I did not need to be standing right next to him to know that he was crying. I felt so sorry for him. I wanted to break down and start crying myself, but I needed to be strong for Brandon.

I set my purse down on the couch, and slipped my shoes back off and placed them right next to my purse. I stood there quietly and watched Brandon cry. My heart broke and fell into my stomach. It felt as if a bomb went off inside of my chest.

At that moment, Jared walked through the door. He had just dropped Shelbie off, and he didn't look his best. He had light circles underneath his eyes, and his shirt was un-tucked as if it were just hanging on him by a single thread, and he was holding his tie.

"How is he handling?" He asked me. I am guessing he didn't notice Donny standing out on the balcony.

Instead of answering, I just pointed out to where he was standing. Jared's eye reverted to Brandon and "Oh" was all he could manage to say.

I could detect the sadness in his voice. He seemed to be handling all of this so much better than I ever could, but I knew he was truly upset. The three of us grew up raising Hollie since her parents were never around. Brandon and Jared tortured her growing up, but I took her in like the sister I've always wanted.

I taught her how to do her makeup, and fix her hair. She has the same taste in clothes as I do. She and I are not just friends; we were truly sisters in disguise.

"I know you probably don't want to, but you need to go out there and talk to him." Jared said to me.

I looked at him, and begged him with my eyes. Thinking about it for only half a second, I didn't want to go out there and see him cry, but I needed to. I loved this man. I wanted to help him through whatever, no matter what it was.

I was going to tell Jared no, but I swallowed my pride and shook my head. I took in a deep breath and headed for the balcony. Just as I took my first step, Jared grabbed my hand, and turned me to face him. "Look, Donny needs us now more than ever." He said as his eyes met mine. "I know this is hard for us, but that is his blood. You and I both know that Hollie meant everything to him. That's why we have to stay strong for Donny. We need to be that crying shoulder whenever he needs it." He concluded as he pulled me closer. He gave me a hug, and gave my forehead a friendly kiss. I wrapped my arms around his slender torso and held my breath in a fable attempt not to cry.

"Ali Cat, I am not telling you this to upset you, but because you need to hear it. We both need to remember why we are here." He paused and took a breath himself. "We are here for each other, to help each other through everything; good times and bad." He wedged his way out of my hug, and took a step back placing his hands on my upper arms. "No. Matter. What." He concluded.

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