Chapter 8

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This chapter seems to be very subtle. Nothing very complex happens in it but, it is still a very good chapter. You begin to see more reason behind a specific relationship **;)** and you are going to read something that is going to completely change the way see this story. But any who, enjoy and PLEASE let me know what you think!!


            Waking up the next morning felt no other morning. No night of my life was like last night either. Donny and I both had a first last night.

            I felt so dirty, so disgusting, but there was no going back now. I have given Donny my entire life. He was there when I lost my first tooth, when my mom died, when his dad left his mom and his sister, when his sister died; and now he has every single piece of me. Laughter, tears, happiness, anger and now my virginity.

            We have been together my entire life. I couldn’t seem to figure out why they had felt so wrong: so good, yet, so wrong.

            I finally attempted to come back to reality. The reality where I hoped things would be somewhat okay. However, I knew there no way possible that could happen.

            When I opened my eyes I was greeted to a cold, dark bedroom. I sat up and immediately wanted to lay back down and snuggle up close to Donny. It felt like waking up on a school morning. My bed was just so comfortable this morning.

            Not only was my bed unusually comfortable, but my body was sore. I felt as if I had been hit by a train. I looked down at my hands only to see light bruises around my wrists. A shockwave rippled through my body starting with my toes and working its way up my spine. How rough could he have been last night? Better yet, why do I not remember being in this much pain, because I don’t bruise very easily?

            I proceeded to get up out of the bed. A chilly air danced across my naked skin. My body was quick to react by grabbing whatever I could find. I slid it on and quickly exited the room.

            Unfortunately, it was colder outside my room than it was in my room. So ran to the bathroom and closed the door behind me. Luckily, the bathroom wasn’t cold at all.

            As I walked pass the mirror to the toilet, I froze in place when I caught a glimpse of myself. Dark bags took over my face and they seemed to stand out like a sore thumb. My face was so pale. I had no color at all. In all honesty, I looked like a vampire.

            All I could do was stare at myself. I just wanted to crawl up in a ball and cry. At the moment I hated myself. And more than myself, I hated Donny. He didn’t talk to me about this first. He just looked up at me and I gave him my approval. But it was just that, my approval. With one simple, stupid nod, I gave my life away.

            It felt like a ball of fire had engulfed my face. Tears began to pour from my eyes, sob left my lips, and my heart broke inside of my chest. It fell into a million tiny pieces. I broke the most sacred promise I have ever made to myself and I didn’t even seem to care.

            So many thoughts flooded into my head. We didn’t use any protection; what if I were to get pregnant? What if he has an STD an now I have it? What if now it gets so awkward between us that he is going to break up with me?

            I had to stop myself there. The thought of my life without Donny made me sick to my stomach. I quickly walked over to the toilet and heaved only once before every little piece of me left my body. I stood there for what seemed like hours hurling my insides up.

            When I could finally control my gag reflex I stood up and washed my face and brushed my teeth. If there was any one thing in life I hated, it was the horrendous taste after you vomit. 

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