Day 58

I havent heard from Alexandria in a few days. I check at the pizza place and they havent seen her either. I wonder what happen to her.

Day 60

I can't sleep. When I close my eyes I keep seeing all the horrible things that might have happened to her. I hope she shows up soon.

Day 61

I went by the pizza place again. She still hasn't been showing up to work.

Day 63

I got called by the hospital. It was about Alexandria.

Day 64

The nurse told me she was found on the side of the road unconsious not far from my aparment complex. They say she has a broken arm a few broken ribs and a concussion. They say she may have been attacked. She hasn't woken up yet. God, I hope she's ok.

Day 66

She woke up today. She asked to see me. I can't find away to say no to her, not that I would of if I could. The nurse were trying to tell me something on my way there but I wasn't listening.

At this point I was sure she had been attacked. A car couldn't have caused all the small precise bruises up down her legs or the black eye. On her face was an unmistakeable mask of complete and udder sorrow, but when she noticed me some of it seemed to fade away into happiness. She smiled.

"Morning, Sunshine."

"It's 3 in the afternoon."

"I just woke up so it's morning."

Her voice was hoarse and scratchy.

"Wha-" I paused rethinkibg the phrase i was about to say. I reworded it. "Do you mind if I asked what happened to you?"

I tried to sound as comforting as possible as I pulled up a chair beside her. She winced slightly as she shifted. She looked at me with a pained expression.

"No I don't mind"

She shifted again.

"My boy-"she stopped herself and restarted. "My ex-boyfriend. He wasn't the best guy, I knew that but... I stuck with him. He was nice at first but when I started hanging out with you more..." The sorrow that lifted from her face when I walked in returned. "I had barely convinced him to let me get a job. And you came along and you were so kind and sweet and he by then was cold." She gulped. "He made me stop going to my classes. He tried to convince me my dreams didn't matter." She started crying. "For a while I believed him." He sobs became more intense. "He was so kind and then he-he-"

"Shhhhhhh." I took her hand. "You don't have to talk about it anymore. He's not here. You're safe."

"He-he beat me like, he always would and then shoved me in t-he car and and drove and crash-crashed it and then ran of. I did my best to make my way to y-you..."She held he hands in mine. "Thank you, S-sunshine. Never stop making others lives better."

Her tears steadied. She began to sing.

"You are my sunshine my only sunshine."

I joined in.

"You make me happy when skies are grey."

Our voices mixed perfectly.

"You'll never know dear how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away."

I wasn't until the last two words that I realized she had stoped.

"Sunshine." My voice filled with concern.

"Sunshine! Alex!" My voice began cracking in pain.


The nurses pulled out into the hallway. I screamed and thrashed and kicked. The nurses held me down.

Eventually I was silently crying in the corner of the waiting room, hoping and praying that she would be ok, that this was all temporary.

The nurse came out to talk to me.

She started repeated the same thing she was trying to tell me before I went in.

She didn't halfway though her sentence before I was weeping into her shoulder.

I knew what had happened.

She gave me my hoodie back.

Day 73

Why does everyhing I love turn bad?

Why does the world hate me?

Why am I a bad luck charm?

Does anyone even care?

Day... I don't know and It doesn't matter

To a loved one long gone,

I'm sorry for what happened to you. There so many ways that could have turned out better. So many varibles that, if changed, could have saved you. But nothing can change them now, for the past is the past, forever out of reach.

I know exactly what you would have wanted me to do after you left. But I couldn't do it, not in the state I was after the accident. And even today I can't. These months have made me realize how much I relied on you, how much you helped me, how i love you. And knowing that there was little I could do to see if you felt the same without digging up a few to many things i didn't want to remember, made my mental state worse.

I'm sorry we never did all the things we wanted to do together. I'm sorry you never got to be what you wanted to be. I'm sorry I'm not what you wanted me to be. But I just can't anymore. Not without you. I know I should be strong and pull though but I can't. I know that this isn't the best option.

But it's the only one I seem to have.
Again, I'm sorry.

See you soon.


Wooooo feels.
Also 1666 words.
And if you didn't notice it connects back to pierceing screams in silent rooms.

That was unintentional but I just rolled with it at the end.

Either way, hope you have a good day and goodbye for now.

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