What lies amoung the chaos

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Chaos was all that existed before them and it was all they had know for as long as they could remember.

War had finally sparked. And it's not like it was unexpected. The two sides had just been to busy sorted themselves out and dealing with their own crap to start one. And it was not going to end for a very long time.

They looked at each other and then a the battle field. Their families fought against each other, refusing to let the other win. They looked into each others eyes. Blue and green. The green eyed one looked back to the battle field to see his brother ripping out someone's throat, his eyes filled blood lust. The blue eyed one just stared. His sister's throat had just been ripped out, but he didn't care. She'd tried to kill green eyes on multiple occasions and blue eyes would never allow that to happen.

A few people noticed they were just standing there, in the middle of the battlefield, and decided to attack them. The two disarmed and killed them. It was easy because had been trained to do that their whole lives and the few that attacked them maybe trained 6 months at that. The two moved to a more covered area after that, not wanting to be attacked again. They stared at each other, not knowing what to say.

They had abandoned their comrades. They wanted no part of the fight. They just wanted to be together. That's all they'd ever want. The green eyed one grinned and intertwined his fingers with Blue eyes. "I'm not leaving this fight without you, you know that right?" Tears began to form in his eyes as he said it. "Right. And if we get separated, I'll find my way back to you, like the sea?" The blue eyed one didn't make eye contact. He knew he start crying if he did. "Like the sea." The green eyed one kissed blue eyes after saying that.

The two were found two weeks later on on the Thursday that marked Blue eyes's birthday. Shot in the head. Neither left that battle by themselves, did they?

A Series of StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora