Surrounded Surroundings

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What am I to do,
When you give me no space to breath?

What am I to do,
When you take away,
What's dear to me?

What am I to do,
When I am I am left alone,
With my feelings bottled up inside?

What am I to do,
When I have have no where to hide?

You give me all this space,
And then lock me in my head.

I'd try to make some sense of you,
But you'you'd just send me off to bed.

You expect me to be happy,
In this asylum you have made.

You expect me to be happy,
When there is nothing for it to be made.

For you have surrounded all my surroundings,
And left me in my brain.


This story was suggested by without21Pwhatami. Sorry for taking to long I got distracted and then school happened so yeah.

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