Our Corrupt World

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Wake up. Get ready. Go to work. Work. Go home. Go to sleep. Repeat.

This is the dance that rules most of our lives do to the way our current society is set up.

But what if it wasn't.

What if we all lived in our own little world where we could do as we please with out a care in the world. You want pizza. You get pizza. You want to watch TV. You can watch TV. And so on.

But we have to deal with people. We have to deal with each other. We have to live lives that seemingly have little purpose or meaning just for the sake of our individual survival. If you had been born into higher power, you would find out how boring it gets. And if you had been born into lower power, you would see how hard it gets. And if you find yourself in the middle, it's just really freaking annoying, if the others weren't already.

When you think about it, we kind of want the repetition. We want a system that never changes or maybe we don't.

It's programmed into our heads that we need a schedule. We need to know what we're doing every second. And because of this programming, many people have a hard time making decisions on a wim. We get used to others making decisions for us and following directions, so we can be thrown into a world where we have to survive without that person looking over our shoulder, where we make out own decisions.

Doesn't make much sense, does it? Why tell us our entire life we can't make our own decisions only to one leave us to our own devices and tell us to live and survive?

Where did our common sense go?

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