"Are you okay?" I asked him and poured cold water in the glass, suddenly also feeling nervous. "Yes." He replied in between breaths and searched into his pocket for something.

"You don't look okay, I will call Mrs. Kim for help." His face turned into a shocked one as he gripped my wrist and pulled me back.

"Please don't." He pleaded and opened a little box. So that's what he took from his jacket before hanging it on the coat rack. He putted two pills into the glass and drank it in one go. He sighed and putted the glass back on the kitchen counter, his head hung tiredly low.

"Are you okay?" I asked and placed my hand on his shoulder. But the instant my hand came in contact with his shoulder, he suddenly collapsed on the floor.


"This is your appartement." the landlord said as he opened the front door for Yoongi in a joyful way. Yoongi simply nodded and followed the man in his appartement - which is his now.

Here you can see the living room and next door the kitchen." The landlord showed him everything in his new appartement. He also explained every rule Yoongi had to follow if he wanted to stay living here or else he had to live with his annoying dad again.

"So, I hope you like it and good evening." The landlord bowed to Yoongi before closing the door behind him. Yoongi looked around for the second time, the appartement was small but big enough for him so he was pleased and relieved.

"Finally." He sighed in relief and let himself fall onto the couch. He didn't fell any regret as he doesn't have to live with his father anymore. The only thing he wanted all these years was to run away from him but because he didn't have the money nor wasn't he old enough, he couldn't.

His gaze then fell down on the brown big instrument in the corner of the living room. He smiled as the landlord made sure to put the piano in the living room, just like Yoongi wanted.

In the corner of Yoongi's memory, a brown piano settled on one side in the corner of his childhood house. He remembers that moment when it was way taller than himself. He looked up to it and yearned for it.

Little yoongi knew nothing about music when he was at the age of 5. Until one day he found his mother playing on a piano in the living room. He didn't know what it was as he stared at his mother, playing it and producing the most beautiful sounds he ever had heard. He approached her slowly as he wondered if she was doing some magic. He was absolutely amazed by the way his mother's fingers played smoothly on the piano and which sounds she produced with that. Her black hair fell limp on her shoulders and her her lips were curled in the most beautiful smile.

His mom finished not long after that and turned around to face her little son. A big smile was plastered on her beautiful face as he ran up to her and jumped in her embrace. "Mom, what is that?" He pointed his little finger towards the piano. "That's a piano, Yoongi." She replied and kissed his temple lovingly. Yoongi couldn't but stare at it as if it was his first love.

He smiled as the memory played itself in his mind, fresh and clear. He remembered that day. It was almost a week before the day. He shook his head and closed his eyes as he didn't want to recall that scene he saw.

Yoongi then placed his hand on his tummy as it made noises. He sighed out loud because of the empty fridge. Well, he just moved in.

"I have to buy groceries." He lazily stood up and made his way to his small hallway. Putting on his shoes and coat, he already knew what to buy. Instant noodles.


"Thank you." He thanked the cashier as he made his way out of the store. He was lucky to have a convience store at the end of the street but the reason why he didn't go there was because it was closed. He absolutely was irritated to see the little note on the door with 'closed' written on it. Allthus he had to take the bus - even if he didn't like to - otherwise he wouldn't have his little groceries.

Making his way to the familiar busstop, he walked past an empty street where he saw a piano standing. There was no one around so he quickly made his way to it and sat down. The piano was old and worn out. But that didn't stop him from placing his long and thin fingers on it. While playing, a man watched him full interest. As he finished and stood up the man took his chance and ran up to Yoongi.

"Excuse me." Yoongi turned around to be met by a man, a little shorter than him.

"Yes?" Yoongi questioned the man with his famous cold tone.

"Will you perhaps give piano lessons in my academy?" 

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