"Here is your wallet. Well it's a bit smelly cause you know. Dustbin. Rubbish. Leftovers. Fuhh" he huffed.

I thanked him and we walked towards our class together. "You know, you can't always let that Dahyun bitch and her horny boyfriend, Jongin win. You must learn to stand up for yourself."

I sighed and reassured him that I'm fine. These kind of things always happens to me since the first day I came to this school. He put his arm around me. Making me felt better. That was why I still stay in this school even though people keep treating me like garbage and sometimes even worst, like a whore.

Jaehyun was always there to help me when I was in trouble. Of course, not all the time. But he still came and comforted me.

The bells rang, signalling that class  had started.


The school had ended. I was finally in my room, away from all the horrible people. I closed my eyes to enjoy the feeling of loneliness when the knocks on my bedroom door disturb me.

"Ra In- ah, I want to talk to you."

Mom said from outside and I yelled for her to wait me changed my clothes.

After changing my clothes, I ran downstairs and saw my mom in the living room. I went to sit on the sofa across her.

She sighed. Wait. Did she really just sighed? Oh my this is not good. Did she already know that I've been bullied at school? Or did Jongin meet her and said that we fucked? Yuck. What am I thinking. Ew ew ew.

"Jung Ra In, can you do me a favor?"

I gulped and nodded. She looked at me, straight into my eyes. And the situation became more tense.

"I'm going to America for a few months. And I can't leave you alone. So, I asked one of my friend to help me taking care of you."

I was speechless. What is she saying? America? Why would she go there? Alone? Without me? She never leave me. And asking someone else to take care of me? She don't even let my grandparents take care of me. This is so not her. Did an alien kidnapped her. Oh my god. What if the person infront of me is an alien and not my mother??

"I know this is a bit weird and you think that this is not me. Yes, this is me. I am still your mother. There is no alien that kidnapped me and pretend to be your mother. Stop with the nonsense, Ra In."

Did I just said those loudly?

"No you don't say it loudly but i know what you are thinking." Mom sighed.

"Why do I have to do that? Can't I go with you? Why do you have to go to America? And all on top of it, ALONE?" I said frantically, feeling perplexed.

"Things got complicated okay. Just please. Only for a few months. I promise that everything is fine. Please?"

Wait. She's begging. Wow. Things must has been very complicated. I nodded with a huff. She then pulled me into a tight hug.

"Go and pack your stuff. You will be moving out tomorrow"

My eyes widen like it would popped out any seconds. She pushed me towards my room. "Go and pack your things now!"

"Okay okay! Don't rush me." I stride to my bedroom with a confused face.

I started to pack my things. Clothes, books, toiletries and other necessary stuffs. I sighed, looking at my luggage.

It's already 12.30 a.m.

I felt thirsty and went to the kitchen for a glass of water. On my way back to my room, I heard someone crying. I peeped into my mom's room and saw her crying.

My jaw dropped. Why is she crying? Things must been hard for her.

I didn't realized that I was crying too until a drop of tears fell on my hand that was holding the doorknob.

I wanted to hug her. But I knew, she needed her time alone. I stayed there, watching her crying till she fell asleep.

I walked slowly and sat at the edge of the bed. I stroked her hair backwards and saw thay her eyes were swollen. I bit my bottom lip. Holding back my tears, I kissed her forehead softly.

I walked into my room and laid down on my bed. I tried to close my eyes but the scene of mom's crying woke me up. I sighed.

Will everything be fine??

Hey guys. This is me, first, very very first time in writing a story. Well, english is not my first language so, sorry for all the grammar and vocabulary mistakes.

Feel free to leave a comments. Bad one or good one. I don't mind. I'll always take it as a motivation for me. Don't forget to vote. Pleaseeeeee

And also, feel free to share any idea that you have in your brilliant mind. Maybe that it will help my story to get better.

Lastly, sorry if you think I'm suck in writing. Yeah. Sorry. 😅😅 I love you guys 😘

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