Chapter 13

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Tony's POV

"Hey man, where'd Jessica go?" Derek asked me. I was drinking a beer. I think tonight's the night to get drunk. A girl rejecting you once was one thing. But getting rejected five times by the same girl was just humiliating.

"I'm not sure. I kinda lost track of her after she pushed me off the couch." I told him bluntly. I got off my stool and looked around the room. It was blurry around the edges but I didn't think I had had enough alcohol to stop me from driving back to my own house.

"Woah dude you are so wasted." Derek commented, looking at me.

"No I'm not. I'm fine," I told him stubbornly.

"Yeah right. you are not driving home tonight. Convince Jessica to take you or something."

I looked at him incredulously. "Are you serious man? she freaking hates my guts and I don't even have a clue why."

Suddenly, Ryan came running up to us.

"Guys, some douche just threw up all over the couch and floor. Go get some towels from the laundry room,"

"Dude, you're gonna clean it up? seriously? Did hell like freeze over?" he slapped me for that. I probably deserved it, but Ryan was like the messiest person I have ever met. He can go for months living like a pig and not even be upset about it.

"Not cool. Do you really think I'm gonna clean up after that asshole? No fucking way. I called Nina and she's coming."

Nina was his maid. She's Spanish and its kinda funny when she gets mad and starts spitting out a rapid fire of Spanish and English. But today was her day off and I didn't think she would be too happy over being called in. And she was kind of scary when she's angry.

So I decided to make my first smart move of the night and get the hell out of there.

"Sure dude, well get the towels." I clapped him on the back as Derek followed me to the laundry room.

We started walking in the opposite direction. As we started to get away from the music, it suddenly became a lot easier to hear Derek breathing loudly behind me. When it got to the point of starting to piss me off, I turned around.

"Man, seriously, do you have to fucking breathe that loud?" I asked him. It must of come out as rude because his eyebrows lifted in surprise. But hey, I was having a really bad night. What, with Jessica rejecting me so many times and the knowledge that my mom was going to kill me when I came home tonight, wasted.

"Sorry Tony." He replied, his eyes checking to make sure I'm alright. He looked at me strangely for a few more minutes but must have found what he was looking for because he looked away.

I turned back around and continued on the way to the laundry room.

"Damn, this is a really long hallway," I heard Derek mutter behind me. He was right though. This hallway was far enough away from the rest of the party that I could only faintly hear the music. Or maybe the walls were just extremely soundproof.

"When we got to the door, I turned the handle, but it was locked.

"Hm, that's strange. Ryan doesn't ever lock his doors. Requires too much effort for him." Derek chuckled at my joke.

"Well dude," he commented. "He's probably going to kill us if we don't get the towels for Nina. But I don't blame him. Nina is freaking scary." he shuddered.

"Hey shut up for a minute." I told him and pressed my ear to the door. I had heard a girl's voice that sounded vaguely familiar.

"Do you hear that?" I asked my friend and moved away so he could listen.

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