Chapter 9

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Tony's POV

This is perfect. Absolutely perfect. There was no way she could avoid me now and I was totally going to dominate this bet. I looked out my window, lost in thought, when I saw her come into her room. Ha, she won't know what hit her. No one can resist my charm.

I motioned to her to open her window. After she did, I opened my mouth to speak but she beat me to it. 

"What do you want Michaels?" she asked. She sounded bored. Bored? This was like a foreign concept to me. Anthony Michaels does not make girls tired. He makes them wide awake. At night. If you catch my drift. Anyway, back to the problem at hand. 

"Do you want to come over and watch some films?" I asked her, hoping she'd say yes. If she did, I had a ton of moves up my sleeve. Plus, it wouldn't even be that hard to get over to my house. There was a tree inbetween our houses, a fairly big tree. And it had branches that were perfect to get across. Then again, just because it was easy for me, didn't mean it was for her. Afterall, she is a chick.

She laughed at me. I was so confused. No girl laughs at me unless I make a joke. And last I checked, all I did was ask her to watch some movies with me. I looked down at my crotch. Maybe my zipper was down? Nope, all clear. This is strange. She blushed, as if she was embarrassed. 

"Who says films? We're not in England dumbass," she smiled a blindingly white smile at me. I chuckled. I'm pretty sure she wasn't laughing at me saying films. It had to be something else. But don't worry Jessica Tailipen. I will discover all your secrets. Just you wait.

"Fine, do you wanna come over and see some 'movies'." I teased her. She was blushing so hard right now. And the worst thing was, I had no idea why she was blushing.  Maybe she was thinking dirty thoughts about me? Yeah that was totally it. Jessica: 0 Tony: 1. 

"No thanks," she responded. To be honest, that kind of surprised me. This ckick was just full of surprises. Seriously, this is the second time in two days that she has said no to me. She was a girl. How is she capable to say no? No girl said no! Keep your cool Michaels. She'll just need some convincing. Just not at the moment. I've gotta rethink my strategies.

"Alright, maybe another time." I winked at her and shut my window. I was going to shut the blinds too, but I figured anything could happen later and I definitely wanted to be the first to witness it. Don't judge me. I'm a guy. We like this type of thing.

I sat down on my bed. It was postioned on the side of the room so it didn't look like I was creeping on her but I could stlil see what she was doing without seeming like a stalker. 

I picked up my phone. If I was going to do this, I needed the guys.


Yo ladies, get to my house now. I have a game changer.

Derek my love:

What's up man?


I'll tell you when you get your ass over here. Hurry up.

Cody has a better body than anybody I know:

Be there in five

Hunter is the hottest man I know: 

Dudde can it wait? I'm getting mouth action from a chick


Be here as soon as you can shitturd

Hunter is the hottest man I know:

That was so mean. If anything, I'm a shitbomb

Ryan is smarter than alll of the manwhores:

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