Chapter 5

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Tony's POV

Detention was pretty much the best thing in the world. I mean come on. Miss Haliegan, the detention supervisor, got so mad at us always making fun of her, that she was never even in the room. And it was an excuse to sleep or do whatever the boys and I wanted to do.

I was talking to Ryan about plays for basketball, the season was coming soon and I wanted to be captain, when I felt Derek nudge me.

"What?" I asked him, annoyed. I was in the midst of describing a really great play.

"Hot girl, 2 o'clock." He replied, motioning with his head over to the door.

Jessica was standing there, looking at us with a mix of surprise, annoyance, and disgust.

"Well, this day just keeps on getting better," she muttered sarcastically.

"Hey love," I said after winking at her. "I think you're in the wrong room,"

"This is Miss Haliegan's room, right?" she asked me, raising her eyebrows.

"Yeah it is. So, I'm assuming since you know this her room, you're here for detention. So that begs the question. What did little miss perfect two shoes do to get here?" I mocked her. She sighed, looking like she was resigning to her fate of hanging with the five of us.

"I called Mr. Burger a douchebag. And he just happened to hear me." She replied, her eyes daring us to laugh at her.

I smiled at her. "Well, at least someone put him in his place!"

"You'd think a teacher who has a last name of a delicious food would be less dicky," Cody commented, looking Jessica up and down. She noticed, and glaring at him, crossed her arms over her chest which naturally made all five of us stare there. She groaned.

"You guys are all so disgusting. Could you at least be a little less obvious about checking me out?"

"Sorry love," I grinned at her. "It's your fault you know."

"Excuse me? How is it my fault??" she responding. I could literally see the fire coming out of her ears. This might actually turn out to be the best detention I've ever had.

"Wow, feisty." Hunter murmured. She glared at him.

"Well," Ryan answered before I had a chance to, "If you didn't look like you do, we wouldn't be staring at you." He shrugged as if it was just common knowledge.

She turned and glared at him too.

"You know babe," I began. She turned to me with a glint of anger in her eyes. "We're not all that bad. If you gave us a chance instead of making snap decisions based on what other people think, you might actually find something you like."

Picture of Cody Whessten on the side --> played by Chord Overstreet

The Girl that Changed his LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora