Chapter 3

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Okay I'm switching the point of view to first person so don't get freaked out or anything, it's just a little bit easier to do :):):):)


Tony's POV

I scanned the masses of high schoolers heading to their lockers, looking above their heads to spot Jessica. It really pays to be tall. I mean seriously I can see everything. Suddenly, I saw her chocolate curls, a few feet in front of me.

"Hey," I said, catching up to her.

"Um, why are you talking to me?" Jessica asked, shocked.

"Well, I think you're hot and.." I paused seeing her brows beginning to furrow in anger and decided to change my tact, "you look like a really great friend so I was hoping we could be friends." I said with a charming smile, hoping to win her over.

"Um no thanks." She answered, turning her face away from me and beginning to walk away. What just happened? She didn't want to be friends with me? Ouch. But I'm the most popular guy. This makes no sense.

"Hey, why not?" I asked her, raising my brows.

"I would think that would be obvious." She sighed, shifting her books to her other arm.

"Well, I think you are gonna have to spell it out to me because I don't understand."

"You are kind of a dickbag and I don't want to be friends with a guy like that." She answered, looking up into my eyes.

"A dickbag?" I asked, smiling thoughtfully. Dickbag? Well, that's new.

"Yeah, it's one of the nicknames I came up for you and your friends."

"Creative," I said. "I like it. Wait, only one of the names? What are some others?" This should be good.

"Manwhores, douchebags, mandouches, shit bombs.."

"Shit bombs? Who came up with that one?" I smirked.

"I claim credit for that," her brunette friend suddenly butted in. "Hurry up Jess, we have to go to History," she gave her a meaningful look and a discreet wink, which of course I caught because I'm Tony which automatically means I'm awesome.

"Yeah we do so um.. bye?" Jessica said, turning her back and walking away with Bekah. She didn't look back. Seriously, what just happened? A girl turning down Anthony Michaels? This is a rare occurrence. I don't know how long I would've stood there staring at her amazing ass with my mouth open if Derek hadn't come up to me. He put his hand on my shoulder.

"'This should be easy'" he mocked me. "Bullshit. Try getting her to even notice you! Dude, did you even see how bored she looked? You're gonna have your work cut out for you."

"Shut up man. Seriously, what is her problem?! She didn't even look back!"

"Well, she does kind of think you're an asshole so.." Derek trailed off.

"Well, she must not have eyes then. How could she resist all this?" I mean honestly. Let's be honest here. She has a vagina, I have a dick. What does that mean? Oh yeah, it means she should be into me. It's just basic logic!

Derek was winking seductively at anything with legs and boobs.

"Seriously man? Are you even listening?" I asked him, slightly annoyed.

He turned. "Wow, dude, you're starting to sound like a desperate chick. Snap outta it."

"You're right. Jessica has no chance against me. In the end, she will be added to my list. No doubt about it. There's no need to worry. Ok well I've got to get class. Hasta luego loser." I pushed him against the locker as I strolled by.

"Hey!" he shouted after me, indignantly.

I just winked at him and walked away.

Picture of Derek Ponesca on the side --> played by Dean geyer

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