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"Very funny. Am I the person who will stop to get the chance to kill someone higher rank than me?!" She laugh.

I look at her with shock. She was never been this kind of evil.. No matter what..

"Blaire stop." I said.

"What is this now. You ordering me stop!? You ain't the leader anymore sister. You step down. You betray Fire Foxs remember." She smirk at me.

I stare at her. Knowing that I betray them is because I want to help them but I just makes things worst.

"Now you know that you make things worst. Sister. You are so late." She smirk st me. She knows me well. I should be careful. One step wrong. Everyone dies.

I stare at her. Knowing that I have no choice but to fight is the only thing I have to do.

But I just couldn't do it. "Idiot. Next time don't run down the hill without a plan. Stay behind me. I will protect you." As he pull me behind him.

"Ei-Eisuke.." I called him as my eyes become blur. "EISUKE!" I scream. I fall. My hand is shaking. My eyes is watering. My mind becomes blur. As I couldn't believe what I just saw. I thought my eyes is playing tricks on me.

"EISUKE" I scream again before I know I lost my mind.

Here I stop! Hehe! Cya! Hope you love this!

Which you couldn't.

I'm really sorry for letting you all wait so long. My publishing schedule is out of schedule and I really have no idea what to write for other books so my prder is really out of order.

Hope you all can understand. Please mind my grammar and spelling mistakes if have.



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