Chapter 1

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Years had passed since that incident and the once small, shaking boy grew into a teen. He worked in the garden a lot longer and harder than before. He's been doing this since his father was gone. His mother now traveled as her job, making trades around more than just England. Every time she leaves her son is saddened, but he always smiles more when she returns. They tried to be happy for his deceased father, but there were times where it was hard. There were times where the boy would cry himself to sleep into the bear his father gave him, or at least til his mother found him and sang a song.

One evening, when the boy and his mother sat down to read she had something to tell him. "Tom" she said gently and the boy looked up to his mother. "There's something you should know." She shift in her chair and Tom held her hand, telling her they can get through it. "Well, I have been seeing someone and he is just lovely. Plus, he has two sons your age as well... And I wanted our relationship to go further, but I needed to make sure you were alright" She looked into her son's eyes, she waited for any sort of rage. "That's alright, mother." She stared at her son in disbelief, but he kept on a warming smile. "I know you only wish the best for us and if you like this man, then I'm sure I'll like him too."
"You smile just like your father." His mother sighed as he chuckled a bit. "Alright, you get to bed. They're coming tomorrow." She stated. "Yes, mother." Tom exclaimed, running up the rounding stairs to his room. He got changed and jumped onto his bed, "I wonder what they'll be like." He said before drifting off into a deep sleep. Dreaming of times when his father was around.

The next morning, Tom got on his best outfit, a blue cape with a hood and his white shirt, brown belt, brown kakis, and his black boots with some white squares. His mother kept fixing his hood, she was wearing a blue and white top with a long green skirt. Soon a carriage came through the small gate they had. The wheels picked up a lot of dust, scarring away tons of the animals, and nearly crushing the plants around the area. Tom gulped and took a few breathes. He told himself to calm down and just breathe, that it was ok. The doors opened and three people came out. A boy with brown hair in a blue vest over a white shirt, someone with blonde hair and a stubbly chin in a purple overcoat and black pants, then a man with a Spanish look and anger in his eyes. He wore a fancy green shirt with his pants folded towards the bottom. Tom felt his legs shake a bit looking up at the man in front of him. 'This is who my mom has been seeing?' Tom started to question in his mind. "Ah, Eduardo. Welcome to our humble home." Tom's mother spoke with such a smile. The man smiled as well, the boy in purple clicked his tongue and looked away in disgust, while the blue one scratched the back of his head. "Figures, and this must be Tom. His eyes are just like yours, my darling." Eduardo spoke, his voice sent chills down Tom's spine. His mom nodded excitedly. "This is Jon" he said, gestering to the blue boy. "and this is Mark. My two boys." He said pointing the the purple one. Jon waved a bit, but Mark just scoffed. Tom put out his hand to shake theirs, "I'm Tom, nice to meet you all." Eduardo shook it first, his hands seemed warm and he smiled at Tom. And Tom started to warm up to Eduardo.

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