Suck My Pom-Poms

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"It's a damn pyramid! Not a box!" I yelled. The girls all groaned in their sports bras and tight shorts. I was wearing only basketball shorts and my cheer shoes as we practiced on the field next to the loud as hell football players.

They all looked great, I gave them that. Or at least most of them did. Some were kinda, dead looking from this scorching Texas sun. Sweat was pouring out of all of us like were were all facets.

"Hey, Blondie! Move your asses or get hit!" I ground my teeth together. That voice only belonged to one person. Dakota Ronan, number 69 on the team. Big muscles, big mouth, big head.

"Go fuck yourself!" I shouted over my shoulder.

"Only in your dreams gay boy!" He shouted back. All the football players laughed like they always did when someone called out my sexual preference.

"Actually, I like big dick and from what I hear, you got a little situation going on!" The cheerleaders laughed at that joke. I turned around just in time to see him pulling his helmet off and shaking his sweaty hair everywhere causing drops to get on me. He was bare chested other than the pads he was wearing. He was a Greek god, minus the awesome, smart attitude they came with. His dirty blonde hair was perfection and his eyes were so blue they turned purple. It was a sin to be that beautiful and he knew it.

"What the fuck did you say?" He asked getting in my face. I didn't back down. He did have a little more muscle on him, but that wouldn't stop me. I was six foot and he was maybe two inches taller. He thought he was intimidating and for that I always laughed. He was as intimidating as a puppy. A new born puppy.

"I said you have a small dick to match your small ass brain," I hissed. It was probably the heat making me so bold, because as I said this, I poked his chest hard.

"Watch it, Blake," he said using my last name.

"Or what, Ronan?" His eyes became small slits as he growled and tried to come at me. I stepped right at him as the girls held me back and the boys held him.

I had always hated Dakota Ronan. He was the Sharks lead defensive lineman and had every little muscle to prove it. Ever since the second grade when I brought a Barbie backpack instead of the normal Batman one, he has picked on me. All because I'm different. He was so cute back then and a sexy god now, but his looks were covered by his ugly ass attitude. And possibly the fact that he use to wear braces.

"Why don't you back off!?" He yelled like that would make a difference.

"Because I'm so gay sometimes, I can't control the erection I get when you yell at me." Everyone paused and looked down at my shorts to see absolutely nothing. "Wow." I mumble under my breath.

"You're not that cute," I said. As I went to turn around his hand landed on my shoulder and yanked me back around and into his face.

"I'm fucking gorgeous and you know it," he said with that damn deep voice. I couldn't help the small moan that slipped from my lips that he could only hear. He flashed his perfect smile and then winked at me. As I stared dumbfounded, he ran back onto the field with his giant ass buddies following him. Jerk.

Hi, I'm Spider Blake. I'm one of the few gay guys at my school and completely open about it. I'm the head captain of the cheerleading team, but I'm not feminine. Most people are absolutely shocked to hear that I am. I get picked on by jerks like Dakota Ronan all the time and just hate him with every ounce of my body.

"Hey, can we take a break?" Jackie asked. She was my best friend, lesbian as well. All of the girls loved her though and we all counted on her in times like these to make us smile.

"Sure. I'm tired of his bullshit anyways."


After practice was over I took a quick shower and made my way to my truck. I chatted with Amber about the up coming Homecoming until I dropped her off at her car. I looked down at my phone irritated to see that Tyler hadn't texted me back. What kind of boyfriend doesn't text you back?

I came to a screeching hauls as I looked at my baby. Sooner or later I am going to rip his head off of his shoulders. I stared at my car with disgust. There was writing on with car markers saying 'I love Dakota Ronan #69 forever'. I growled as I got into my red GMC. It had huge wheels that made me have to jump to get in.

He wanted to play dirty? Well fine. Let's get dirty, Ronan. Let's get fucking filthy.

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