one .

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It was a nice sunny day in Manchester & I was stuck in school detention with my brother Matty & his 3 mates Adam, Ross & George . " I think this is your fault " I said to Matty. " How exactly is that " ? " Well maybe if you did your work instead of talking & being obnoxious we wouldn't be stuck here for another hour " . " yeah yeah whatever Elly " .

20 minutes later

" Are you a virgin Elly" ? I turned my head so fast .. it was George ( of course ) " Why on earth would you ask me that " ? I snapped back . " Because I'm bored & I wanna know ". " Well that's none of your business Daniel "! " Okay okay no need for shouting love " . After another 40 minutes of being in detention we all got to leave & head home .

a/n - im sorry this is complete shit but it's a start & it'll get better as I go I promise :(:( . 

falling all over the place ( george daniel fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now