Chapter 16

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A week later, it was the day of their graduation. They all stood in a room together, with their robes and hats on, nervously waiting for someone to lead them out of year.

"You look beautiful", Dean said, straightening the knot of Cas' tie.

"Thanks", he said shortly and looked around. He was probably one of the most nervous students in the room.

"Hey, calm down, Cassie. Everything will be fine. There is no reason to worry at all", Dean tried to cheer him up.

Cas looked at him.

Dean stood there, completely relaxed with a self-confident smile on his face.

His appearance actually calmed Cas, who took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment. "Yes you're right"

Dean grabbed his hands and kissed him.

"Gentlemen", a loud voice said.

All of them turned to around to look at the door, where the headmaster stood. "We're about to start, so please organize in alphabetical order" He waited some minutes till everyone found his place. "So, follow me out there", he was about to leave but turned around again. "Oh, and something else. I'm proud of you. My best wishes to each of you" He smiled and finally walked outside.

They all followed him and sat down on their seat.

"Dear students, parents, families, friends", the headmaster began, when he arrived at the front.

He told something about all the great things the students had done, about sports, grades, future and a lot of other things, but Dean didn't listen. He watched Cas, who sat two rows in front of him, moving back and forth on his chair. He smiled. His boyfriend was way too cute for this world.

Then finally, they all got up again and walked to the front. One name after the other was called out, one student after the other walked up on the podium, received their degree and went back to their seat.

"Castiel Novak", the headmaster called and looked at Cas, who was the first in line.

Cas slowly started to walk up the stairs and towards the headmaster.

"Congratulations", the teacher said, shook his hand and handed him his degree.

"Thanks", Cas felt relieved. Only for some seconds he looked at all the people sitting there, but for him it felt like hours. He spotted his family in the crowd.

There was Chuck, taking pictures. Next to him sat Gabe and Balthazar, both smiling widely, clapping and cheering for him. And only for him.

With a big smile, he went back to his seat again, where he was greatened by Benny, sitting next to him. None of them said a word, they just hugged for a moment, both smiling happily.

A while later, almost at the end of the ceremony, the head master called out: "Dean Winchester"

Self-confident as ever, Dean walked up to him and took his degree. He looked at his family. They were all there, his parents, Sam and Adam. He smiled brightly at Sam, who looked back with a grin on his face.

And then, for a second, Dean looked at Cas. And Cas looked back at him. Time seemed to freeze for them. Both were smiling happily, proud of themselves and of each other, and knowing that the other one loved them.

Fifteen minutes later, the ceremony was ended and every one went to talk to their families.

Chuck hugged Cas with a smile. "And now, the last of you has finished. Stop growing up so fast"

Cas could see the tears in his eyes, but he didn't know if he these were tears of joy or sadness. He just smiled back at his father: "I'm sorry, I can't"

"Good job, kiddo", Gabe patted his shoulder.

"Yeah, I agree", Balthazar leaned on his shoulder, "now my armrest is an armrest with a degree"

"Oh shut up", Cas laughed and almost slapped him with the folder.

"We're proud of you, Dean", Mary said, pulling her son into a hug and trying to hold back her tears.

"Thanks, Mom", Dean said and pulled away eventually. He looked at his father and saluted, but not without laughing happily.

Sam came to him and hugged him tightly. "I'm gonna miss you here", he whispered, so only Dean could hear him.

"I'll miss you too"

"Come on, we're going to celebrate" John turned around and wanted to leave.

"Wait, I have to talk to Cas", Dean stopped him.

"You can do later", he said and started walking.


"You'll see him soon", Sam winked and dragged Dean with him.

Without telling their brothers, Sam and Gabe arranged that Dean and Cas could celebrate together. It was meant to be a surprise for both of them. And it worked.

When Dean arrived at the rooms they rent for celebrating, he saw Cas standing in the door frame.

He had taken of his robe, just like Dean, but still looked beautiful.

Dean got out of the car and walked up to him. "What are you doing here?", he asked confused but happy.

Cas looked like he wanted to ask the same.

Sam and Gabriel looked at each other and grinned at them. "Surprise!", they said at the same time.

Dean and Cas needed a moment to realize what was going on but eventually understood and grinned happily. "That's perfect. Thanks, guys"

They spend the whole evening together. Just sometimes the got separated when someone of their families wanted to talk to one of them. But they were back together as soon as possible.

At some point, Dean came up to Cas, who was standing in the kitchen, and murmured: "Want to make out? We're alone, they", he pointed out into the bigger crowded room, "won't know."

"What? No! Not now", Cas answered blushing.

"Okay", Dean laughed and laid an arm around his shoulders.

"Dean... We have to talk about something"

"What's wrong?"

"I'm afraid we're breaking up, when we're separating now"

"I told you we won't"

"Yes, I know but..."

"No buts, Cas. We talked about this"

"I know. Still I'm afraid."

Dean thought about it for a minute. "There is an easy solution."

"What is it?"

"Promise to marry me one day"

"What?", Cas looked at him surprised.

"Seriously", Dean looked around to make sure they were alone in the small room and kneeled down. "Castiel Novak, promise to marry me."

Cas looked at him with an open mouth before whispering: "Yes" He pulled Dean up again. "I promise. I'll marry you one day"

Dean smiled happily: "See? We're engaged, we can't brake up now"

Cas smiled back at him: "Yes. You're right. We can never brake up again."

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