Chapter 10

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Dean watched Cas and all the others getting into the cars and driving away. In the end, he almost stood there alone.

"Hey, boy! What are you waiting for?" he heard someone calling him. "Do you want to stand around here forever or are you coming eventually?"

Dean turned around and his face lightened up. "Bobby! What are you doing here?" Dean walked up to him and hugged him tightly.

"What do you think? I'm picking you up," Bobby answered and patted Dean's back.

"Didn't dad wanted to pick us up...?"

"Do you really want this?"

"No, not yet."


Behind Bobby, somebody else climbed out of Bobby's truck. "Dean!"

"Hey, kiddo," Dean laughed, picked Adam up and held him tight.

"You can hug later, for now, get in the car!"

Dean threw his bag into the trunk and got in the car behind Bobby and Adam.

During the whole drive, Adam talked about his school and something Dean didn't want to know.

When they stopped in front of the house, Adam immediately jumped out of the car and ran inside. But Dean hesitated.

"Come on, get out. You have to, either way," Bobby said.

"Yeah, you're right..." he got out of the car and took his bag out of the trunk. Slowly, he and Bobby walked towards the house.

His mum already stood in the door frame, Dean smiled at her. "Hi, mom."

"Dean," Mary Winchester smiled back and pulled him into her arms. She looked over her son's shoulder. "Thanks for picking him up Bobby."

"No problem. I have to go, Ellen is waiting."

"Tell her and Jo we said hello."

Bobby nodded and drove away.

Dean followed his mother into the house and finally faced his dad. Immediately he straightened his back."Hello... Sir" he added hectically.

"What were you thinking off?!" his dad already started with a loud voice.


"Why did you fight this guy?"

"I had to protect Sammy!"

"And because of that you get yourself in danger?!" Both of them were nearly shouting at each other.

"Yes. Because that's the task you gave me. Protect Sam, at all cost."

"Oh, you see how well this ended."

"John! Dean! Stop it! Both of you," Dean's mother intervened. "This is not Dean's fault."


"Yes, I know what you want to say. He shouldn't have to get involved in this."

Dean and his father both felt smaller because of her words.

"Now stop fighting. Instead, be happy you see again and Sammy feels better."

John nodded. "She is right. I'm sorry Dean."

"It's okay..."

John hugged his oldest son for a second.

Mary smiled. That was everything she wanted to see. "Come on you too, or else lunch is getting cold."

"We don't want this to happen, do we, dad?"

"No, of course not." With a forced grin the two of them sat down at the table, next to Mary and Adam.

"See, this is how fast you can change," Mary smiled. She didn't notice none of them changed and both just played happy.


Cas went home with his dad and Gabriel as well. Already from far away Cas recognised the house, although he had only seen it for some days.

"Looks very nice, dad," Gabriel said.

"Thanks," Chuck answered, "I devoted a lot of time to it."

Cas nodded in agreement. He was happy to see all of his brother again. "Are the others here yet?"

"Yes, most of them. But Rafael will be coming tomorrow."

"I knew it," Gabe replied, "Family doesn't seem to bother him much."

"Don't talk about you're brother like this."

"But it's true! He has always something better to do."

Chuck shook his head, turned the engine off and went into the house.

"Dad, Lucifer is annoying!" Balthazar called.

"No I'm not. You are!" Lucifer replied.

"Shut up you two!" Michael shouted.

Chuck sighed but Cas grinned. That's what he had missed.

"It was so quiet without any of you... Michael is right, shut up. All of you. And now get into the kitchen. I made lunch for you."

Eventually they all sat at the table together. Chuck on one of the narrow sides of the table; Cas, Lucifer and Balthazar on one side; and Michael and Gabriel on the other side. Only two chairs were empty: the one next to Michael and the one on the other narrow side.

Chuck smiled and looked around. "I'm happy to have all of you here with me again."

"Almost all of us," Lucifer replied but Chuck reprimanded him with a look.

"He's coming tomorrow. He is working."

"Yeah, sure," without Chuck noticing Lucifer rolled his eyes.

While eating none of them said a word, because all of them were chewing.

"Since when do you know how to cook, dad?" Balthazar asked with his mouth full of food.

"I had lots of time..."

The boys stayed silent and threw looks at each other.

"Stop looking like this. I know we all miss her..." he added quietly. "But that won't stop us. I am fine, you are as well and that's all that's important. We don't need anything else," he said confidently. "Also, tomorrow is christmas! So, tell me, is there any news?"

Michael started and told something about his work none of his brothers understood.

When he finished, it was Gabriel's turn. "There is no news from me, it's school. But that's only my opinion..." He glanced at Cas, who blushed, when he noticed that all of his brothers were starring at him.

"What do you mean?" Lucifer asked.

"Cas, your turn," Gabe said calmly.

"Well, um..." stuttering, Cas started to tell about Dean and then gave his duty to talk to Lucifer.

"As if you would care about my life," Lucifer said.

Cas understood. His twin brother was still mad at his dad, for no real reason.

"Well, I had to watch Titanic again," Balthazar interrupted.

The other ones groaned. "For god's sake, get yourself a new girlfriend!"

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