Chapter 14

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When Cas came back into the house, he saw Balthazar quickly stepping away from the window.

"I knew it!"

Castiel's big brother grinned innocently. "What did you know?"

"You watched me!"

"Me? Never. I just looked out of the window by coincidence."

"You jerk,"Cas walked towards him and tried to hit him somehow.

"Calm down, kiddo," Balthazar grabbed his arms and pinned them to his back.

"You...!" Cas tried to free himself and kicked around, trying to somehow hit his brother.

"What are you doing?" Chuck walked up to them.

"Balthazar is an idiot," Cas blushed hard - partly because of anger, partly because of embarrassment.

"And Cas is in love," the older on teased.

"Stop it, both of you."

"But, dad..."

"No. No ifs and buts. Let him go!"

Balthazar finally released his little brother, still with a grin all over his face.

Cas looked at him angrily, turned around and ran into his room.

A week later Cas had his things already packed in a bag and stood at the front door.

Rafael already left before new year's eve, Micheal two days later. Lucifer stayed with some friends and was gone since that day. Balthazar was already back at home as well.

"Gabe, come on!" Chuck called.

"Yes, I'm here already." Gabe stepped next to them.

Together they got into the car and went back to school.

While Gabriel immediately ran into the building to do some things, Cas stayed with his father for some more minutes.

"Go on," Chuck said.

But Cas hugged him. "I don't want to leave you alone, dad.'

"Don't worry. I'll survive half a year without you."

"If you say so..."

"I do. Now go already. Dean is waiting."

"Dad!", Cas blushed seeing the grin on his father's face. Though, he turned around and walked towards house 3. Before he entered, he turned around one last time and thought of Chuck's words: "Dean is waiting."

Dean was actually waiting for him in their room. When Cas came in, Dean immediately wrapped his arms around him tightly. "I missed you," he mumbled with his face pressed against Cas' shoulder.

"We only haven't seen each other in a week," the other one laughed.

"That's still too long." Dean laid his hands around Cas' neck and pulled him into a long, intensive kiss.

"Oh come on, you two. A week can't be this long."

Dean pulled away when he recognised Gabe's voice and turned around. "Yes, it can."

"What ever..." Gabe threw a backpack at Cas and took the one laying on the floor. "I think we switched something, Cassie."

"Gabe!" Cas blushed again but Gabriel already disappeared behind the door.

"Cassie?" Dean grinned.

"Shut up."

"Sorry, babe," Dean kissed his neck, still grinning widely.

"Stop." Cas gently pushed him away. "You're an idiot, you know that?"

"Yes. But I am your idiot," Dean grinned.

Dean's good mood disappeared after some days, when school actually started again. Most teachers started to give them tons of homework because their finals were getting closer and closer.

Most of his time Cas spent in the library, studying, reading, and repeating the things he learned over the year.

Meanwhile, Dean laid on his bed, the volume of his radio turned up completely, and read books. Somehow he managed to study this way, though Cas couldn't understand how.

In the beginning, Cas mostly stayed up all night, reading with his flashlight.

At some point, Dean got annoyed of his always tired boyfriend. So one night, he took away Cas' flashlight, closed the book and laid down on the bed, both arms wrapped around Cas.

After some minutes of trying to get free, Cas gave up, snuggled up against Dean and finally fell asleep.

That was the only way for Dean to get Cas to sleep for months.

One day, they were both sitting in their room. Dean watched Cas studying untill he couldn't stand it anymore. So he got up, stepped behind Cas and laid his arms around his neck from behind.

"Dean, no. I'm studying."

"Come on, take a break." Dean started to kiss Cas' neck and buried his face in his soft hair.

"No. You know we're taking our finals in some weeks, you should study as well."

"Why? I have enough time left."

Cas just sighed and kept reading.

"Please. You were studying so much the last months, I can't even spend time with you."

"That's not true. You're sleeping right next to me."

"I mean except from that. Take a break, please. This isn't good for you." He leaned over Cas' shoulder and kissed his cheek.

"No. Now stop that." He pushed away Dean's face. "Let me go on reading."

"Fine," Dean eventually gave up, released Cas from his hug and went back to his bed.

"Thank you," Cas mumbled and looked back at his book. For some hours, he kept reading.

Dean didn't disturbed him anymore, not even when he went to sleep.

When the letters became blurred in front of Cas' eyes, he closed the book, got up and stretched. He looked out of the window, it was already dark. Another look on his watch told him that it was already after midnight.

That explained why Dean laid on his bed and snored quietly.

He smiled. Maybe Dean was right. They didn't spend a lot of time these days, he should take a break from studying.

After taking a cool shower and changing his clothes, Cas laid down beside Dean and tried to get himself under the blanket.

Dean woke up a bit and looked at him sleepily. "What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm trying to spend time with you. You were right. I'm sorry.'

"Shut up and sleep already," Dean yawned, laying an arm around Cas, and went back to sleep.

Cas smiled and kissed his cheek. "Good night," he whispered before falling asleep as well.

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