Chapter 4

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Sam wasn't aware of the things his brother did. After he emptied his plate, he got his backpack out of his room and went to his class. Most of his classmates were already there but it didn't really bothered him. He fell down on his chair in the front row and pulled out a book.

"Sam, help me," somebody whispered.

Sam looked around to find out where the voice came from. Just some meters away from him, at the teacher's table, there was Gabriel, who looked at him helpless and lost. "What are you doing here?"

Gabe just shrugged and just wanted to start explaining, when the bell interrupted him. Everybody else looked at him him as well. Gabriel looked around, facing every kid im class at least one time. "Uhm... Good morning, guys..." he started, "I am Mr. Novak... No, I'm not. Gabriel, my name is Gabriel. Some of you might know me already," he glanced at Sam.

Sam grinned. He knew, that was going to be a quite funny lesson.

"So... Mr. Cheeto is sick. And because there is no one else to teach you, I have to do this now. Although I don't know what I should do with you... I don't even know what subject you're having right now!"

Sam tried hard not to laugh. For that, he earned an annoyed look from Gabe.

"Can't we just watch a movie?" a boy asked amd the whole class cheered.

"Good idea. Do you have one?" Gabe answered.

"There are some, in the closet over there," Sam said and pointed at a corner of the room.

"Great..." Gabe walked over and pulled out a movie. He didn't know it but it would be fine. "Must be enough..." he mumbled and put the film in the DVD player. He took the remote control and sat down in the front row right next to Sam.

"You're a wonderful teacher," the younger boy grinned.

"Oh, shut your mouth," Gabe hissed and flicked Sam's head, "Just show me what you're doing all day." Sam gave him one of his folders and Gabe started to look through it. While he was reading, some students in the back started talking to each other, first quietly, than louder and louder. "Shut up!" Gabe called, without turning around.

After the lesson, Sam stood in front of Gabriel who was leaning against the table. "You're a doing great. As a teacher, I mean," Sam grinned.

"And now again, but without sarcasm," Gabe replied. "I am never going to be a teacher. I am not even going to stand in for somebody again, no matter in which grade. And nobody can convince me otherwise."

"Oh come on, it wasn't that bad, was it?"

"Just think whatever you want to think"

"Well, than make a fool out of yourself, if you want. I'm going now." Sam grinned walked out of the room.

Gabriel sighed, sat down and starred at a sheet of paper. He should write down, what they did today. But he didn't have any clue what he could write...

About half an hour after breakfast, Dean and Cas walked to their first lesson together. None of them had said a word since the happenings in the hall.

In the classroom, Dean sat down on his spot in the deepest corner of the room.

Cas stood around confused in the middle of the room again.

"This chair is free. Do you want to sit next to me or not?"

"Sure," Cas nodded and sat down by his side. "Why is the chair next to you always free?"

"I don't have many friends," Dean shrugged, "actually just Benny."

"This school is so big and you only have one friend? What about all the others?"

"Idiots. And enemies."

"I understand, you are not a very social person."

"You aren't either."

"That's something different."

Dean just shrugged. "Could be."

In this moment, their class teacher, Mr. Jones, entered the room. "Morning. I have to present your new classmate. Castiel, where are you hiding? Get up!"

"I'm here, Sir," Cas answered and got up.

"Ah, you're sitting with Dean." he said and stopped for a second. "I have to talk to you later, Dean." He focused on his topic again, "This is Castiel Novak, he's here since yesterday."

Everyone looked at Cas. His face turned red as he looked around.

"Sit down, Castiel," the teacher said.

Cas did so and got smaller and smaller in his chair.

Dean grabbed his shoulder and pulled him up again. "Don't go making a fuss!" he whispered, "There is worse."

Cas tried to pull himself together and follow the lesson. But Dean only sat there, bored, and drew something on his pad. With one eye, he watched Cas and noticed how beautiful and smart he was. He didn't notice how one lesson after the other passed.

His teacher's call pulled him out of his thoughts. "Dean, come here!"

Dean put on his backpack, put his hands in his pockets and walked up to him. "Yes?"

His teacher waited till the last students had left the room and looked at the boy in front of him. "Dean... I heard, you got in trouble during breakfast. Is that true?"

Dean shrugged it off. "Could be.?

"Why did you do this?"

"Because I had to. Bill is a complete idiot."

"Did he do something?"

"No, but he would have done something, if..."

"Are you shure he would?" his teacher interrupted.

Dean just starred at the ground.

"Are you sure?" he repeated emphatically.

"No," Dean admitted quietly.

Mr. Jones sighed. "Don't start this school year like this again.?

Dean snorted scornfully and kept staring at the ground.

"Look at me, when I'm talking to you!" his teacher said fiercely.

Dean looked him in the eyes.

"You know, if you keep going like this I have to call your parents. And I don't want to do this. Really, you know I don't want you to have problems with your dad. Got it?"

"Yes, Sir..."

"So pull yourself together. And now, get out!" he slightly pushed him aside.

Dean nodded and made his way out of the door, where he found Cas waiting for him.

Don't worry {Destiel}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें