Chapter 12

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In the morning of christmas day, Chuck was the first to get up. Looking at the watch, he noticed it was almost ten o'clock but the house was still silent.

He started making breakfast and put his sons' presents under the christmas tree. A bit melancholic he looked at the tree and sat down on the couch. He remembered Christmas some years ago. He never could sleep that long, one of his sons was always awake. But that had never really bothered him.

"Daddy, wake up. Wake up!" Chuck opened his eyes and yawned. Castiel, Lucifer and Balthazar jumped up and down on their bed. "Let your father sleep for once", his wife interrupted. Chuck turned around and kissed her. "Get up, I want to know if Santa was already here!", Lucifer called, just like four year old do. "Well then, let's check" Chuck picked up his two youngest sons and went downstairs, carrying them.

"Morning, Dad," Micheal yawned and pulled Chuck away from his thoughts.

"Good morning," he mumbled.

"What's that smell?" Micheal asked confused.

"The pancakes!" Chuck jumped to his feet, ran into the kitchen and took the pan from the stove. "I totally forgot them!" He sighed and started to scratch the remains of a black dough lump out of the pan.

"Doesn't matter. You already have enough unburnt ones," Micheal tried to cheer him up.

"You're right. Go and wake your brothers. Tell them breakfast is ready."

Micheal nodded and did what his father told him to.

Ten minutes later, they all sat at the table together and Chuck looked into the faces of five tired boys. Although they were all almost grown up, he saw them as the small kids, that were excitedly jumping around, and that he loved so much. As tired and sleepy as they looked now, he almost didn't recognized them.

"Dad, why does only Micheal has a room for himself?" Lucifer asked and broke the silence.

"He doesn't. Rafael is coming today. And you won't get an own room, we already had this topic." Though most of them didn't live with him anymore, Chuck had prepared rooms for each of the boys. Always two of them slept in one room: Micheal and Rafael, Gabe and Balthazar, and Lucifer and Cas.

"Then, could you at least take his phone away from Cas?"

"Why?" Chuck and Cas asked at the same time. But Cas just sounded angry, while Chuck was confused.

"Because he phoned his boyfriend half of the night!"

"I didn't!" Cas tried to defend himself.

"Oh yes, you did. 'Oh, Dean, I miss you so much. Dean, I wish you were here with me'" Lucifer mocked.

Cas blushed and kicked his shin.


"Stop it, you two!", Chuck interrupted. "That's worse than when you were children. Also it's christmas, behave!"

Lucifer and Cas starred at each other angrily but stopped hurting or mocking the other one.

After they finished eating, Chuck looked at his sons. "Don't you want to know, what presents you got?"

They looked back at him confused.

"Do you really think, just because you're grown up I don't buy you presents anymore?"

"Uhm, no. Of course not", Gabe said.

"But we thought you might had other things to do", Balthazar added.

"Yeah, I had. But there is always enough time left for my boys." Chuck smiled.

Slowly, his sons got up, one after the other, and walked into the living room. Only Cas stayed seated and looked at his father.

"Is something wrong?"

"No. Just, thanks dad"

"What for?"

"For everything"

Chuck smiled, pulled Cas to his feet and hugged him tightly.

Some miles away, christmas day started as well. "Dean! Sam! Get up!" Adam ran from one bed to the other and pulled the sheets away from his elder brothers.

"Adam, stop that", Dean mumbled into his pillow.

"Get up! I want to see if Santa was here."

"Then just do it already", Sam said yawing.

"But mom said I should wait for you"

"What time is it?"

"Half past seven"

Dean turned around and pressed his face into the pillow. That was way too early for him.

"Get up!", Adam complained and pulled Dean's arm.

"Yes, alright. We're coming in minute." Dean sat on the edge of his bed and watched his youngest brother running out of the room. He got up with a yawn, took on a hoodie and waited for Sam.

"Go on, I'm coming after you", he mumbled, still laying in bed.

Dean slightly grinned and followed Adam downstairs into the living room, where the christmas tree stood.

"Good morning Dean", his mother smiled, taking a sip from her cup of coffee.

"Morning", he sat down on the floor, directly behind Adam. The younger one was already unwrapping one present after the other.

"Dean, that's for you", his father gave him a small package.

A bit surprised and curious he opened it and pulled out the modell of a black 1967 Chevy Impala. "Um... Dad?" Confused, he looked at John.

"You get it. The Impala, I mean"

"You're kidding", Dean's mouth fell open.

"Not right now, of course. But as soon as you go to college next year, it's yours. If you want to go somewhere else earlier, you can drive it as well"

"Thanks, Dad!", Dean jumped to his feet and hugged his father.

"Okay, okay. That's enough" Obviously, John felt a bit uncomfortable. "You can let go of me now"

"I'm sorry, Sir" Dean pulled away, laid down on the ground and played with his new car. He looked like a kid but he didn't care at all.

John looked down at him for a second and went to the kitchen without saying a word.

But Mary noticed the smile on his face.

Sam came into the room, limping, and sat down beside Dean. "Morning"

"Here you are", Dean gave him a package. "This one has your name on it."

"Thanks." Sam opened it and pulled out some books. With a big smile, he leaned against the couch and started reading.

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