Chapter 6

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"All right," Cas said, nodded and slowly went back to their room.

Sam quietly cursed to himself. His brother was a perfect example for a complete idiot. How did Dean manage to get himself in trouble over and over again?

For a while, Sam walked over the grounds without any plans but suddenly he had an idea. He started running to the small club and down the stairs. He almost fell on his face but he could stop sliding before crashing into the counter.

"Wow, Sammy, calm down," Benny said a bit frightened. "What's your problem?"

"Where is Dean?"

"I don't know. Well, he isn't here."

"Don't mess around with me!"

"I wouldn't venture to. He really isn't here, he left half an hour ago. Look around, if you want."

"No, no it's okay. I believe you." Sam sighed. "Do you have an idea where he wanted to go?"

"I think he just wanted to go back to his room."

Then maybe Cas was lucky... "Nevertheless, thanks, Benny."

Benny watched Sam walking upstairs. What did Dean do? Of course, Dean had been in trouble more then once but never before someone really looked for him. Why did he gave Dean beer? That was a big mistake... He should have at least brought him to his room. Benny sighed. Hopefully Sam would find Dean soon.

Sam walked over the by now empty yard. It was almost dark, no wonder, it already was october. Sam gave up. He had no idea where Dean could be. So he decided to go to bed. But first, he wanted to take a look into Dean's room. Maybe he was back there again.

But he didn't even got there: Behind one of the houses he heard some strange noises. It almost sounded like somebody got beaten up. And he heard a voice... Carefully he sneaked in this direction and looked around the corner.

Dean laid on the ground, with his back leaned against the wall, and talked to himself.

Sam could see someone disappear behind another corner of the house. He walked towards his brother and leaned over him. He had a black eye and his lip was cut open. "Dean?"

"Hey Sammym" Dean slurred and waved at his little brother.

"What happened? Are you drunk?"

Dean shrugged. "Could be..."

"Come on." Sam lifted his brother up, laid his arm around his own shoulder and tried to hold him, which was a bit difficult because Sam was quiet smaller than him. "Oh Dean, what are you doing?" Sam started walking towards house 3, in which Dean's room was.

"I don't do anything. Everybody else is doing something!" Dean started telling his story, maybe not in the right order; he cursed a lot and got upset.

But Sam had a lot of practice and figured out the whole story. "If dad hears of this..." Sam mumbled.

"Don't ever tell him!" Dean replied and got a hiccup. "I will be dead!"

"I promise I won't," Sam opened the door to Dean's room with one hand and pushed Dean into it.

Cas sat in there and starred at Dean's empty bed. Why did he even worried about him? Dean was old enough to watch over himself and he wasn't even gone for a day. He would be back again tomorrow morning. Also, why was Dean so important to him? But he couldn't end his thought because the door opened in exact this minute. "Dean!" Cas jumped up from his bed and helped Sam to put him on the bed. "Thank you, Sam. Where did you find him?"

"Not really important... Do you take care of him?"

Cas nodded.

"Thanks." Sam said goodbye and walked out of the room with a last worried look at his brother. On the corridor he met Gabriel.

"Shouldn't you already be in your room?" Gabriel looked at him closely.

"Yes. I'm sorry. I just... I visited Dean." Sam tried to look innocent.

"So he is back again?" Gabe's face darkened immediately.

Sam nodded slowly.

"Good. I really have to talk to him," Gabriel walked towards the door.

"No, please don't!" Sam tried his best to hold him back from the door and looked at him.


Sam couldn't think of an appropriate answer. "Please. If you go in there now, nothing will get better. Nothing."

"Fine," Gabe admitted but still pushed Sam aside, "and now clear off. And I'm not telling anyone, you're still here."

Sam nodded and started running.

Gab looked after him and then watched the door. He held his hand directly over the door-handle but didn't open it. Sam was right...

On the other side of the door, Cas sat down on the bed next to Dean and gave him a cold rag. "Put that on your eye."

Dean took it and and did what Cas told him to do.

"What are you doing?" Cas whispered.

Dean just shrugged. "Sometimes it's just like that." He laid on his bed, with one arm under his head and starred at the ceiling. But his other hand laid very close to Cas'. He felt the strong desire to hold his hand. He just needed someone who kept an eye on him. Someone, who just said next to him and took care of him. Someone, who loved him...

Cas looked down at him and whispered. "I barely know you, I know nothing about you. But I like you. And I don't want anything to happen to you... Please, take care of yourself." The closer he came to the end, the quieter his voice got.

"Cas..." Dean mumbled and slowly sat up straight. His head felt heavy. "I like you too. And you don't have to worry about me, I can keep an eyes on me myself." This almost was a lie, he had no idea how to do it. They looked at each other for a while. Then, finally, Dean laid one of his hand on Castiel's cheek. "And I keep an eye on you as well," he whispered barely audible. Slowly and carefully he pressed a kiss on Cas' lips.

Cas blushed but smiled.

Dean looked at him and laid happily back on his bed.

"Sleep well," Cas said but Dean was already asleep. He smiled, stood up and went to bed himself.

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