Chapter 15

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~some weeks later~

"It is done. Cas, you realize it? We are done. We finished school!" Dean said happily when they stepped outside, into the bright sun.

"Yes, I know. You already told me yesterday. And this morning. And two minutes ago, when we left the room."

"I'm sorry. I'm just so happy," Dean smiled widely. He hugged Cas, lifted him up and swung him around.

"I know," the other one laughed. "I am as well." He stopped Dean by kissing him.

"I can hear the wedding bells ring," Benny interrupted, stepping out of the building and next to them.

"Well," Dean looked at Cas with a smile, "why not"

"Did you say, you want to marry me?"

"Maybe I was," Dean grinned mischievously.

Before they could go on discussing, Gabe came up to them and leaned his weight on Benny's shoulder. "It will be sad, not to see you guys everyday."

"Seriously?" Dean put Cas back on the ground, but left one arm around his hips.

"Yeah. You know what, I'm taking you guys out for some ice cream."

"I like that idea," Cas said smiling.

"Yeah," Benny nodded.

"Great. Let's go." Gabe was about to leave.

"Wait, you mean right now?" Dean asked.

"Of course right now. Why not? You've finished all your exams, haven't you? There is no better time to celebrate than right now."

"Well... That makes sense," Dean agreed and took Cas' hand.

Together they walked towards the big gate at the end of the grounds. It wasn't a long way from the school to the city center but it seemed to last forever because it was very hot. Though, they weren't in a hurry. They just enjoyed the warm summer sun and the time they spend together.

Dean realised it was the first time in weeks he and Cas actually spend time together, without thinking about studying or upcoming exams. And he was happy about it. 

Eventually the four of them reached the ice cream parlour.

"Choose something, guys. I'm paying," Gabe said.

"Wow, Gabe. You're doing this with everyone or are we something special?" Dean grinned while reading the menu at the wall.

"Well, I heard you're going to marry my brother, so you're family."

"We didn't..." Cas wanted to say something but Gabe just ignored him.

"And I kinda like this guy," he patted Benny's shoulder.

"Thanks," Benny said with a grin.

"Hello, how can I help you?" the sales assistant asked.

"I'll take one scoop of chocolate and one of chewing gum. You?" Gabe looked at the others.

"A scoop of banana please" Cas said.

"For me, two scoops of cookie-ice cream and one of vanilla," Dean said with a slight grin.

"And I'll take two of strawberry, please," Benny finished their order.

The assistant nodded, gave every one of them their ice cream and looked at Gabe again. "That makes six dollars forty, please."

Gabe pulled out seven dollars. "Here you are. Keep the change."

They walked outside again and sat down on a bench, where they could eat. Each of them licked their ice cream in silence, sometimes one would tell a story and the others listened. But mostly they stayed quiet and enjoyed the weather and their time together.

When Cas finished eating, Dean was only half way through and had most of his cookie ice cream left. "Dean?"

"Yes, babe?" he answered, slightly grinning because he knew what Cas wanted to say.

"May I try you ice cream?"

"I knew it."

"You know what?"

"I knew you were going to ask me, because that's what you always do," he said but still handed Cas his cone.

"I don't!" Cas replied and licked the ice cream.

"Yes, you do. You take too less for yourself and eat half of my food."

Cas opened his mouth to defend himself but he couldn't think of a good reply.

"No, it's fine. This is kinda cute. I always take some more, so there's something left for you." Dean smiled, watching Cas blush.

"Aw, look how cute you two are," Benny said.

"I know. We should probably get married," Dean answered with a grin, laying an arm around Cas' shoulder.

"Why is everyone talking about us getting married today?!" Cas wanted to know, handing the cone back to Dean.

"Because you two fit together too perfectly to just stay together," Gabe mentioned.

"Still... I don't want to talk about it yet," Cas said. "I don't know what will happen after school. I am going to college. What about you?" he looked at Dean.

"I don't. I want to work in a garage or something."

"See? We can't get married if we don't live together."

"We could. But don't worry now. Benny, what are you going to do?" Dean tried to get change the subject. He didn't want to think about what would happen to Cas and him. Not yet.

"I'm going back to Italy," Benny said in passing.

"What? Why?" The others starred at him surprised.

"I have family there. My grandpa wants me to become a priest like him. I'll see if that's something for me. If not, I'm just gonna bake some pizza I guess," he grinned.

"Pizza sounds like a good plan," Gabe replied.

"Oh of course, when it's about food, you're for it," Cas said, grinning at his brother.

"I can understand Gabe," Dean looked at Cas.

"Sure. Who else should agree with him, when it's not you," Cas laughed, turned to him and kissed him.

"Did you just lick ice cream from my lip, when we were kissing?" Dean asked sceptically.

"Maybe I was, maybe i wasn't." Cas tried to look innocent but failed and busted out in laughing.

"Okay guys, that's enough," Gabe said, shaking his head and grinning. "Let's get back to school, it's getting cold."

They all agreed, so they ate the last pieces of their cones and walked back to the school.

Back in their room, Cas and Dean went to bed together. "Today was fun," Cas noticed.

"Yeah, if you don't count the exam we had this morning everything was fine," Dean smiled at him.

Cas smiled back but his face almost got a bit frightened after a minute. "Dean... What if... What if we can't manage living together? What if we have to brake up?"

"Don't worry. We won't, I promise."

"How can you be sure?"

"Because I love you. And I will never give up on you, Castiel Novak."

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