"So, I don't think I've actually formally introduced myself to you." You hear Mark say as he looked over Sean to see you. "I'm Mark. How are you?" He said in his most mannerly voice. You smiled and replied.

"I'm (y/n). Nice to 'formally' meet you." You said. He chuckled and leaned over to shake your hand. You looked at Mark, taking in everything you could. 

"And I'm Pewdiepie. Just in case you've never heard of me." Felix said with a sarcastic beat in his voice. 

"Hm, doesn't ring any bells." You said, playing along. He made a mock shocked face as he returned to his normal sitting position. Although being next to these Youtubers was a dream come true, having them act so natural around you just made you feel awkward, but they seemed happy to see you, despite only meeting you today. 

"Oh, uh, Jack. How'd you meet (y/n) anyways?" Mark asked randomly. You glanced at Sean, Had he not told them already?  You wondered.

"Oh, uh, she just commented on my Youtube channel, it just happened to be one of the comments I saw and replied to I guess." he said with a shrug, as if it were no big deal. You didn't know whether to be happy or disappointed that he had never mentioned you while talking to his friends. You shrugged the thought off as the bus slowed down.

"That's nice. I guess I was wondering how that became a friendship though, because if I reply to someone usually they just freak out. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but I don't see friendship coming from that." Mark replied, grabbing his bag.

"Well, it was a bit different, but yeah never mind." Sean said, grabbing his own bag. You grabbed your own little shoulder bag and waited for the bus to come to a complete stop. 

As you exited the bus, a few people on the street stared but it wasn't bad. You felt amazing right then, like nothing could make your heart stop racing, nothing could take away the random energy you got every time one of the three Youtubers smiled at you, not even Mark's choice of dining.

"Really Mark? A sub sandwich stop?" Sean said, playfully elbowing his friend.

"What can I say, I like subs!" He said in defense.

"Whatever bros, I'm starving. I don't care what we eat at this point but let's get some food." Felix said, shoving his way to the front of you guys and to the door. You shrugged and followed along with who you hoped could be called your friends.

☽ ☆ ☾

"I'm officially full." You said, setting down what was left of your sub. The three Youtubers seemed to have a big appetite however, and were still chowing down on some extra little snacks they ordered. 

"That's it?" Mark asked, looking at your half eaten food left on your plate.

"Yeah, so?" You said, hoping it didn't look like you didn't eat enough regularly. 

"Nothing. I just guess I was super hungry." He said, then returned to his food. You stared down at your dish, you might have normally eaten more, but you were just not hungry, the nervous butterflies seemed to take up too much space in your stomach. 

"Hey, (y/n), random question, where are yeh stayin' tonight?" Sean asked, finishing the last of his dish. You played with your hands and waited for a bit before answering.

"Well, honestly guys, I was uh, stupid. I finally saved enough money to come up here and see you all, but I uh, didn't bring enough money to get home, so I personally have no idea." You said, you wanted to bury your head in your arms out of embarrassment.

"So.. you have nowhere to stay? Like, at all?" Felix asked to clarify things. You nodded and slumped over, this wasn't going as planned.

"So yeh never booked a hotel or anythin'?" Sean asked, you nodded. "Well, I mean, I could pay for a night's stay for yeh if yeh want.." He said, with a hint of uncertainty, looking at you to see if you would except.

"No way." You said after a bit. The three Youtubers looked at you with confused expressions, you bit your lip in frustration. "What I mean is, Sean, you've done so much to help my, uh, grandmother and stuff, I can't except any more from you." You said "I won't let you."


"Just no okay? I'll find a way." You said the last part without thinking, in reality you knew you probably would not find a way. Despite their confused expressions, Mark and Felix turned to Sean and nodded their heads as if making some sort of silent agreement.

"Okay then, (y/n), I understand what yeh mean. Mark and Felix and I are rentin' a house for the rest of the weekend, so, I mean, I think we could make some room if you'd except. It wouldn't cost anyone anythin' extra." He said. You sat there, a bit dazed. Had they just asked you to stay with them for a night? Three of Youtube's most popular Youtubers? You had to be dreaming, but you weren't.

A while later the bus finally stopped and you were there, at a smaller house in what seemed to be the middle of nowhere, but you were there. You grabbed your bag and inhaled the sweet cool night air. Mark got out to your left, Sean to your right, and Felix in front. The four of you walked towards the house.

"So, (y/n), Jack, Felix, what do you say, should we make tonight a gaming-and-popcorn-night?" Mark asked energetically. You widened your grin.

"I'm in!" Sean said giddily, he seemed to have an extra bounce in his steps.

"Sure bro, why not?" Felix said. You were really here, with your idols. The people you looked up to, the people who could make you smile on the rainiest days, the people who could turn depression into excited anticipation for the next time you could press play. You were standing next to them, right here, right now.

"I'm in." You replied.

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