Cɦǟքȶɛʀ 6

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You sat on your bed on your tiny laptop. You stared back at the screen with frustration, having been gaming and not being so successful. At this point you realized you were dreaming, just reliving a memory. 

"Oh no! Dammit!" You shouted at your screen, having lost whatever game you had been playing. As you said it, your father poked his head in the room.

"Honey, why the language? You know you're not supposed to swear." He said. You turned pale once you saw him.

"O-oh gosh, how long have you been home? I didn't know you were back yet.." You said, nervously twirling your (h/l) hair with your finger. You had gotten in trouble for cussing on multiple occasions, to the point where you couldn't hang out with Alice as much. At this time in your life you and Alice had just started hanging out, and you were sure she thought of you as a loser. You knew now as an adult that she never thought of you like that. 

"Back or not, do you really think it's right to say that?" He asked calmly, coming over and sitting next to you. You shrugged in response.

"I don't get the big deal against it," You said. "I mean, these words weren't originally bad, someone made them bad I guess. They all have their individual meaning." You said, trying to defend yourself. Your father kissed you on your head.

"Yes, but now they are bad, so I'm afraid that won't excuse you." He said, and left the room. You sighed in exasperation, you couldn't wait to be independent, so you could say what you wanted when you wanted. 

The scene shifted to the last time you hung out with Alice, before you knew she was leaving.
"What do you want for Christmas?" She had asked you, it was two weeks before Christmas break.

"I don't care. Maybe (f/f), because how could you wrong with that?" You said smiling. Alice rolled her eyes.

"I want to give you something meaningful, not food. Besides, you should expect more from me. You know I won't get something for you that you can't keep." She said. You smiled, you felt a twist in your stomach that you were never able to identify. Alice was always so kind, you wished you could be like her sometimes.

"You get me whatever you want to get me," You said, putting your hand on her shoulder. "It's the thought that counts, right?"

"Yeah, I guess," She said, then turning around to playfully push you. "But that doesn't help with my choice."

The dream shifted one more time, to a few months later. You were messaging her on Skype.

Hey Alice, I feel like it's been a while since we talked. Wanna catch up on a Skype call?>> 

You waited for a response, but nothing came. You frowned at your screen, Alice always had her phone on her, so she usually answered quite quickly.

Al, you there?>>

Well, bye.. call l8er?>>

You turned your device off in defeat and closed your eyes.

☽ ☆ ☾

You woke up from your dream taking deep breaths. You hated having memories as dreams, and they seemed to be getting more frequent. You were still laying in your bed, and you realized now that you had dozed off unexpectedly. You glanced up at your clock, which read that you had been out for about two hours. Your stomach growled and you realized you must have missed dinner. You wondered why your grandparents hadn't woken you up to eat with them.

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