Untitled Part 3

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The next few days you couldn't wipe that stupid grin off your face, but reality hit you soon enough. Replies from Sean were more like a blessing than a help, because it's not like you could immediately trust him with everything you kept. Still, you wanted today to be special nonetheless. It was new years eve, a few days after Christmas, and a small part of you wanted something, anything to hold onto and remember from this year, even though you weren't quite sure what that was yet. The past few days of talking with Sean seemed like a dream. Having the chance to talk to someone you look up to is one thing, but for that person to be extremely caring is another. 

You sighed and sat down at your table that morning, eating your breakfast. You tried to recall good times from this year, but all you could seem to think about was Alice. You haven't put your mind on her too much, usually just watching Youtube and other things to forget about her, but you couldn't help it now. Your best memories came from her. 

Your thoughts were startled by your grandmother waking up. You gave her a smile as she sat down next to you.

"Mornin'." You said to her groggily.

"Good morning," She said back "do you have any plans today?" She asked.
"No.. why?" You asked her suspiciously.

"Well, your grandfather was going to have a few friends over tonight, so I was hoping to spend the day with you." She said. You started to grin widely. Maybe today wouldn't be amazingly spectacular, but you would take this over sitting own all day.

"Of course I will spend the day with you." You said, wrapping your arm around your grandmother. "What will we do?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe a bit of shopping for the new year, it's been a long while since I've had a shopping day like that." She said with a smile. You weren't one for shopping, but you had a feeling your grandmother could help you have a good time. 

"So when are we leaving?" You asked, noticing it was still earlier in the morning.
"Oh, whenever you are ready, I don't care. Your grandfather's friends are coming over around noon, but I'd prefer to leave before then." She said.

"Oh, okay. I can go get ready so we could leave now if you want. I don't have anything to do this morning anyways." You said as you headed towards your room to change your outfit. Once in there, you glanced out your window, there was a light breeze which carried a few falling snowflakes on their way down. The ground had a few inches of snow.

You dressed warm and cozy, wrapping a scarf around your neck and placing a hat on your head. Once you were dressed you left your room to meet your grandmother who was waiting by the door for you. She had a kind smile on her face, which lately seemed to be missing. You didn't give it much thought as the two of you headed out the door and towards the cars.

"Who's driving?" you asked.

"I think I will if you don't mind." Your grandmother offered. You were convinced she was scared of your driving ability, but you didn't care. You had almost gotten in wrecks multiple times.

"Nah, I don't mind" You replied while shrugging, climbing into your grandmother's car.

☽ ☆ ☾

"This, I need to buy.." You said, admiring a silver speckled scarf, you sighed as you held it out. You were starting to really regret going shopping. You didn't have any money to spare, and you weren't sure if your grandmother was taking that into consideration while she brought you to designer shops. 

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