Cɦǟքȶɛʀ 15

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        Everything went so fast you wished you spent more time to savor every second of what had happened, you found yourself laying yet again on Sean's floor in the recording room smiling like an idiot. He kissed you. He liked you. You took one of the pillows Sean let you use and you covered your face and let out a muffled laugh. To think you actually regretted meeting Sean for even a second, now you couldn't have been more happy that life turned out this way, it was bittersweet really, but you remembered your dad saying "Bittersweet is always better than plain sweet, life needs hardships to overcome to establish a sense of accomplishment". Your dad told you that when you had a rough day with your old friends back when you were a lot younger, and you ended up meeting someone new. You found an extreme amount of truth in that statement, especially now. Life was an absolute hell for you, you got kicked out of your house. You had to deal with a grandfather who never seemed to have a sense of appreciation for you. You had to cope with your grandmother's death. You had to go through being kicked out again, but now that you thought back, if your dad never kicked you out you would have never been into Youtube as much as now. Without your grandfather's disapproval you would never have felt the rebellion to message Sean. Without your grandmother's death you would have never gained a sense of trust in Sean or acquired enough money to make it to Pax, and without being kicked out once again you would never be here, in Ireland, meaning you would never have gotten the opportunity to develop an interest in Sean. Everything played out, everything had a part to contribute into your life, and you couldn't be happier.

But what now? Sean obviously showed an interest in you, but what next? Are we together? you wondered. Now you stopped and thought, it would be awkward just to walk up to Sean in the morning and ask "Hey thanks for kissing me are we together or what?" No, you couldn't just be like that. Why am I so awkward? What am I to say? you thought frantically, immediately you got up and grabbed a notepad left on Sean's desk, you sat down and started to think up of ideas, nothing.

"(y/n)?" You heard from behind you, the light turned on and you blinked as you spun around in the chair, Sean was in the doorway, he looked exhausted.

"Oh Sean, why are you awake so late? It's like, two in the morning." You questioned. Your heart started to lift up at the sight of him however, you couldn't help it.

"I could ask yeh the same thing." He said, leaning on the doorway for support.

"I have insomnia," You said as you stood up "and you look like hell, no offense, so why aren't you asleep?" Sean chuckled a bit after you said that and took a step closer to you. Your heart once again did a somersault in your chest as you stood your ground.

"Just couldn't fall asleep, not with a pounding feeling in my chest. What are yeh doin' at my desk?" He questioned, taking another step forward. You were thankful you hadn't written anything down yet.

"Just thinking, didn't feel like laying down. I have a question for you though." You said, keeping your eye contact solely on his.

"And what is it?" He asked, smiling. You were glad you could make someone genuinely smile.

"What are we? Well, I mean, like, since about earlier and such, oh forget about it." You said, breaking eye contact. Sean took one last step forward, he was close enough to feel his breath now.

"I get it, I know how yeh feel, but I'm not the type of person who'd just kiss yeh and say 'well that was nice' and leave it at that. (Y/n), what I mean is, since now we both know we like each other, would yeh consider bein' my, uh, my girlfriend?" Sean said, he said the last part shyly.. You looked back up, his beautiful blue eyes seemed so gentle as if they were trying to persuade you into an obvious answer. You smiled.

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