"Shut up!" Harry growls at him.

What? What is he talking about?

"No, no Ryder, don't-" Harry starts to say but it was already too late. My eyes widen when I look down on the floor, bike rising in my throats seeing the floor covered with blood.

My eyes divert around as I try my best to look around me, still having my arms tied up. The blood on the floor resembles as if someone took a tub of paint and just splashed it onto the floor; as if it were a bucket of dirty mop water tossed onto the ground after being used. There were also footprints outlined around the floor, some covering others, showing the struggle of fighting by how smudged a few of them were.

"Ugh," I whimper as I lift my foot up off the cement then the other, disgusted that I'm stepping on it with my bare feet.

There is so much blood, clearly there has been more than one person here and it's also clear that Tobias showed no remorse in his tortures by the trails of blood smeared out on the floor along with bloody handprints on the walls as well. Some of them looked bright red which meant they were fresh.

"Oh God," I breath, taking in a shaky breath as new tears filled my eyes before escaping down my cheeks as I glance back over at Harry.

"Harry...I don't want-"

"Shh, it's okay." He nods at me, trying to keep a brave face but the break in his voice showed his worry. "You're going to be okay. I'm going to get you out of here."

I shake my head. "No...I-"

"Alright, back to what we were discussing." Tobias groans, interrupting me.

"Sweetheart, I'm-"

"Shut the fuck up!" Harry barks at him, pulling against Isaac's hold. "Shut up! Or I swear I'm going to-"

"Shut up?" Tobias repeats, blinking at Harry. "Is that anyway to talk to your father?"

"W-what?" I gasp, my voice strained as I blink my tears away.

No this can't be true.

"Yes darling girl," he replies moving to step closer to me. "I'm Tobias. Tobias Styles, to be exact."

I shake my head, looking over at Harry who bit the inside of his cheek and looked away from me. The shame on is features made it clear that Tobias was telling the truth, but it's impossible. Harry is nothing like him. But, as I try to figure out how this can be, it all clicks into place.

"My dad wasn't a nice guy."

"Your dad used to work for my dad."

"He killed my mom and left Gemma with her...took my brother and I with him."

My dad used to work for Tobias...so he was the one to kill my mother. I used to play with Harry as a child and he was the one that would drag me away from him. He was the one that would hit Harry, giving him my punishment for being around him when I wasn't allowed.

As I process my thoughts tears continue to streak down my cheeks as I look up at Tobias, who was looking at me questionably.

Enticing (Harry Styles AU) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now