What the hell?

Scott start hitting the Dread Doctor. Liam got up and started fighting the other one. The were close to the table that I was still sitting on. 

I stood up and jumped onto the Dread Doctors back ,well I was planning to but I ended up on his shoulders. I clasped my hands together and with as much strength as I could I brought my hands down to hit him on the head. 

The Dread Doctor paused. Liam was looking at him in anticipation. All the Dread Doctor did was grab my arm and pull me off of him. He slammed me on the ground in front of him. I landed on my tail bone. I cried out in pain because ,damn, that hurt.

After a minute or two, Theo pulled me to my feet. I didn't know he was here. "Go with Liam to find Hayden." Theo told me. 

I nodded and went by Liam who was calling for Hayden. I started calling for her too. We went through this curtain thing to see the third Dread Doctor putting a syringe of mercury in Hayden's neck. I forgot there was a third one. Hayden's eyes turned silver. He let go of her and she fell to the ground ,her eyes turning normal again. Liam ran to her.

Hayden's going to die. It's going to be the Dread Doctors' fault. 

He started to walk away. I ran up to him. I grabbed his shoulder to spin him around and punch him in the face. I think it hurt me more than it hurt him though. He backhanded me so that I fell to the ground. I got back up and hit him in the stomach. I kept hitting him ,fueled by my anger and the fact the Hayden is dying a few feet from me because of him.

He used the empty syringe in his hand to cut my side. I growled at the pain. I'm seriously it's just a little needle it shouldn't do that. I'm a fucking werecoyote. I just punch his head again. Damn, I should stop trying that. This time he took the syringe and drove it through my my neck ,under my chin. He moved it back and forth ,creating a bigger hole, before pulling it out. My hand reached for my throat. I felt the liquid try to come from the small hole. 

I fell to the ground. My head hitting the hard ground. Everything faded to black.


I've been in and out all day. Last night was when we were at the club ,when I tried to fight a Dread Doctor for injecting Hayden with mercury ,when I got stabbed in the flipping throat. Scott ,Theo ,and Liam got me and Hayden to the animal clinic. They had Melissa come in. She has been working on trying to keep Hayden alive but makes sure to check on me. 

She said that the syringe still had mercury on it. It wasn't even close to how much Hayden had in her right now but Melissa still wanted to make sure I was okay. 

If Hayden is okay with that much mercury then I should be have fine with a little bit. She's just a chimera ,a cheap knock off of us. I'm actually something supernatural. I'll be fine. But Hayden, I doubt she'll survive this.

Now Hayden and I are in the hospital with Melissa. She just sent Mason to get Scott because Hayden's getting worse. He's not answering his phone. Liam left a while ago. He wasn't happy about Hayden dying. Before he left he said something about not being able to see me this way.

I don't blame him, I look like shit. I should heal quicker than this. My tailbone still hurts a lot. I asked Melissa to check it out after we do everything we can for Hayden. I need her to check my arm too. I hurt it when I fell ,I just didn't know at the time because I blacked out. There's still a small hole through my throat but that's mostly healed. I had lost quite a bit of blood. Melissa said I would have died if I was normal. On top of that Melissa said I had mercury in my veins because of that dumb syringe.

What brought me out of my thoughts was the sound of the ECG going flat. I looked over at Hayden to see a silver tear leave the corner of her eye. I let go of the hand I forgot I was holding. I felt my own tears gather in my eyes. I looked at Melissa. She looked shocked and sad.

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