Chapter 1: You Don't Say

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August 18th, I remember it like no other day. It was the day I met my brothers for the first time... Well, half brothers.
I honestly thought I had no other family left, but why listen to this boring start. I'm y/n Winchester... And this is my story:
*Marimba Ringtone*

"Ugh, son of a bitch!" I groaned, flipping over to face my phone, hitting snooze. My 23rd birthday was about two weeks ago, exactly 5 years after leaving my foster home. 5 years from having any kind of love, or a 'family', or a Christmas party with friends from over the years. I've been living in an abandoned warehouse since then... I have a small mat, some food, and enough money to get the things I need, like paying for a cheap phone bill on a crappy iPhone 4.
I grabbed my little backpack which contained a map, phone charger, box of Twinkies, and a hand pistol.
I've always had a weapon with me, ever since I was a little girl. And because of my dad, I've always had holy water. It's sort of like an instinct, like how a baby knows how to breath when they are first born.
Besides the fact, I head out to the library. Mrs.Johnson works there, I come here at least three times a week and we have grown to be good friends. She's young, 29 I believe, and I feel as if I can tell her anything. She knows about the foster home, and she thinks that's both my parents are dead, although I personally think my dad is still kicking somewhere out there.
I walked into her office, and she had my coffee and doughnut as usual.
"Morning, sunshine!" She said happily, sliding a coffee towards me.
"Good morning" I replied. "I'm not gonna be here long"
I told her. She looked over to me with an eyebrow raised.
"Why's that? It's Wednesday, your usually here till the place shuts down!"
She reminded me, I guess you could say I'm a slut for books, but really, I come here to do research, mostly about who, or what killed my mom...
"I have an-uh... Interview" I lied, although she didn't notice that. She smiled at me and nodded.
"Bye Mrs.Johnson" I grinned, waving goodbye.
"See ya, y/n!"
I left the library and walked down town. I really didn't have anything to do, I just wanted a day to myself, (although, when do I not have a day to myself) walking around the heart of the city, I liked the people... It comforted me.
It was around 2:30p.m. and I started walking back towards the warehouse. I felt an unusual presence though, as if there were people behind me. I took a left where I should have taken a right, just to see if they were on my tail... They followed. I took another left... Still there.
I reached for the holy water in my pocket, and turned for another left, but this time I stuck myself to the corner of a wall, so when they turned the corner I'd be there ready to attack if needed.
Right as they turned the corner, I splashed holy water onto two men that I didn't recognize.
"Why are you following me?" I asked them, backing up slowly. I suddenly got a headache pounding through my skull, and before the green-eyed man could reply, I answered for him.
"Wait, wait... Are you, Dean?"
I asked, studying his face closely. He looked up to the tall man next to him, slightly.
"Your a hunter, right? Im not sure of what though. A-and that means your Sam...?"
I started remembering back to the day my mom had been killed. When John, my dad had come back for me.
You stand before your bloody mother, dead on the floor. Your twirly little pigtails dyed red from blood as you layed your head down on your mothers stomach, crying. John bursts through the door with a shot gun and runs over to you.
"Daddy!" You cry, reaching your arms out for him to pick you up, which he does. He brings you outside and sits you on the hood of his car. He hugs you, for the first time in years. Wiping your tears away, he pulls out a picture of two boys. You observe the picture closely.
"Who are they?" You ask him, rubbing your eyes. He looks at the picture himself and smiles before answering.
"The one on the right is Dean, and next to him is Sam... I want you to take this picture, and remember them, okay?"

Flashback Ends

So how do you know us, exactly? The tall one asked. I reached for my wallet and pull out a crumpled up picture, handing it to them.
"My dad gave it to me after my mom died, he said to remember you guys. So my question for you is, how do you know me?" I questioned.
"Well I would introduce myself, but you kinda did that, so let's cut to the chase. John is our father too." Dean says, my eyes went directly to him.
"You mean, we're siblings, like... I have actual living family?" I asked. He nodded.
"Say no more, we can talk at my place... And tell your friends to come too." I said to them, pointing at the two men across the street. One looked older, he had a beard and a baseball cap on. The other man had ocean blue eyes and a tan trench coat with a blue tie.
I showed them the way to the warehouse and they stood around me as I sat down on my makeshift bed in the corner.
I asked them, holding up the box. There was silence.
"Sure" Said the man in the trench coat. They rest looked at him, confused.
"What, Jimmy liked them..."
I looked at them confused as the boys shrugged it off and I tossed a Twinkie over to him.
"So... Your y/n Winchester, huh?" Dean chuckled.
"So... I'm you half sister? I asked them, taking a bite of a Twinkie. The tall one, Sam, nodded.
"Well, only sister we know of..." He stated.
"Yeah, you don't say... I'm starting to realize that John probably kicked it with a few other women..." I said. I looked over to the other two men which  I didn't recognize.
The man with the baseball cap spoke before I could even ask my question.
"Bobby Singer, I was close friends with your John." He said. I looked at him, then at Sam and Dean.
"Was...?" I began. "Does that mean... John is dead?" I asked them, choking on my words. Sam nodded.
"Well... Shit." I exclaimed. I looked over to the last man. I couldn't read him...
"Castiel" He said.
"What are you, Castiel?" I asked him, he seemed out of the ordinary, I felt the need at ask.
"I'm an Angel of the Lord." He replied, I gave a quick glance of confusion.
"Angel of the what now?" I questioned.
"Forget about that-" Dean began
"Firstly... You can start by coming with us."
He recommended. I nodded insistingly, grabbing his hand as he helped me up. I grabbed all my belongings and left the warehouse with them.

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