"Can't a girlfriend and a boyfriend hang out?" He nodded his head in agreement. "So, what do you want to do first, Kelly?" I pretended to think while tapping my chin. "Well.... I was thinking... A piggyback ride!" I jumped on his back while he was trying to run away and he groaned and fell. "Come on Ryan! Get up!" He got up slowly and started running, after he secured me in place. I was laughing like crazy. "Kelly, I'm going to throw you off my back in five-", he began to run back towards his bedroom. "Four", I yelled it with him. "Three...Two..." He stood in front of his bed and released me. "One!" I fell right onto his pillows and Ryan jumped right next to me.

"We are acting like total babies right now, Ryan". He laughed. "But I like acting like a total baby; its fun." I laughed at him and he pouted like a baby. I kissed his forehead and he smiled. "I love you Kelly!" He kissed me back."I love you too, Ryan!"

Ryan's POV

Kelly and I walked to the school, hand in hand. I knew she was going to be scared of what I was going to do next, because she slipped her hand from my grasp once we entered the school building. She turned her head to me and gave me a shy smile. "Kelly, you're my girlfriend now." She smiled and slipped her hand back into my grasp. Everyone stared at us as we walked into our first class together, and just to seal the deal, I planted a kiss on her lips. The people around us gasped and began to gossip. I bet this would go around the whole school faster than I would be able to sit down for my first period class. 

I made sure to sit next to Kelly because the girls around us were shooting her death glares. Dylan was on the other side of me and he seemed happily dazed. "Dylan, are you okay?" He jumped a little and stared at me. His mouth twitched at the corners and formed a smile. "Miranda kissed me. I'm in heaven. Do. Not. Disturb". I laughed silently as he went back into his dreamy state. They must be having a lot of fun. They make a great couple.

Two Months Later

I sat down next to Laura and Angela at our usual lunch table. They were talking nonstop before I interrupted them with a "Hey!" They stood up and hugged me. "Whoa!! What's that about?" Laura laughed and Angela jumped and clapped her hands. "Drew and Dean are going to meet our parents today!" I hugged them back. "That is so great! I wish you all good luck!" I looked around the table again. "Um, Guys... Where's Hillary?" At first, they didn't hear me because they were too wrapped up in their conversation. "Guys, where's Hillary?" Angela looked at me and said, "She's still in the dorm... Why?" I ignored her last question and pulled out my phone.

Kelly: Hills! Are you alright?

Hillary's Phone: I'm sorry but Hillary's phone is offline right now. She will still receive her messages when she is online again! Have a nice day.

I angrily threw my phone in my bag and started towards the dorm buildings. "Kelly, where are you going?", I heard Laura scream after me. I ignored her and continued towards the building. I started running, once I had finally left the cafeteria. There was something wrong because Hillary never turns off her phone and she never lets it die either.

I ran to our dorm room and found that the door was already opened. My heart leaped in my chest as I imagined the what if's situations. 'What if she's not there?' I shook my head and entered the room. "Hillary!" I looked around and saw a black lump on top of her bed sheets. "Hills!" I ran over to her and shook her. "Hills! Are you okay?" She slowly looked up at me and that's when I knew she had been crying. Her face was smudged with mascara, her lipstick had faded and was now all over the pillow she had been using, her hair was a complete mess, and endless cartons of ice-cream were surrounding her bed.

"K-Kelly. Is that you?" I sat next to her on the bed and stroked he hair. "Hillary, what's wrong?" She began to cry again. I stoked her head again and she calmed down a little. "He-He cheated on me!" I didn't even need to ask who. I knew Hillary would not want to hear his name. Vince is about to get a huge boot in a part that was named private. "With who? Why? Doesn't he know what treasure he has right in front of him? Well, a treasure he had." Hillary began to cry again and I continued to comfort her while texting madly to Ryan to meet me in my dorm.

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