Chap 21: Mixed Feelings

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(Y/N's POV)
I sniffed, feeling much better than before. I also felt the warmth from radiating from Ito's body.

'It's so waaaarm..' I thought, snuggling unto him. 'Wait, wait, wait. AM I FALLING FOR HIM??!! I'M SUPPOSED TO LIKE SUGAWARA RIGHT???! Why can't I just choose (F/A/C) (favorite anime character)?? (A/N: MINE IS KARMA (FOR NOW) what's yours?)

Busying with my own thoughts, I didn't realized Ito's face was coming closer until he put his forehead on my forehead. He gazed to my (e/c) eyes, I tried to move backward slowly, but he pinned my hands down.

With his husky voice whispered to my ear, "Don't go anywhere, just stay here with me....... Please."

My cheeks started to heat up, but I cooled it down, didn't want to make it obvious. Ito caressed my soft cheek, then he suddenly kissed me. I was shocked, stood there frozen, not doing anything.

He pulled away from the kiss; he seemed unaffected from it while I just still sat there, shocked. Ito smirked, twirling my (h/c) hair, he said, "What? Too shocked, sweetie~?"

"W-wha...." I touched my lips, the minty breath of his still lingering on it. My face turned so red, it may turned as red as Antonio's tomato! I saw Ito's face, he's still smirking and looked satisfied with my reaction.

"YOU IDIOT!" I playfully punched his shoulders. "You stole my FIRST kiss!!"

"Is that so?" He put on his thinking pose, pretending to think about something. "That's good then. Cause.."

"It's my first kiss too," He smiled, ruffling my (h/c) hair.

I pouted, and immediately giving myself a distance between him. He chuckled, seeing how childish I was. Ito pinched my cheeks, squeezing it together, and that he told how cute I was. I swatted his hands away. I will never understand this guy beside me, like does he change personalities or something?

"Hey (Y/N), we should go home now," Ito tapped my shoulder, interrupting my thoughts.

"Can we stay for a while?" I gazed towards the sky above me, where its stars twinkling as its waving at me. "I want to look at the stars tonight, looking at it makes me calm."

Ito just stayed silent, not answering the question. I happily looked at the twinkling stars though, even though it reminded me of my brother.

Flashback time —whosh!
"Ayato-nii! Let's look at the stars tonight!" I gleefully smiled.

Ayato chuckled, "Sure, but after I finish this homework."

I cheered happily, punching my fists being the hyper I was. While waiting, I went to mom and dad to spare time. After a few minutes, Ayato went downstairs to find me.

"Come on (Y/N), you said you wanted to star gazing," He called.

We both went to the backyard, and sat together. We awed at the spark of the stars. It's so beautiful, like diamonds in the sky. We stayed silent, enjoying the peaceful scene.

"Ne, (Y/N), why all of a sudden you wanted to look at the stars?" He asked all of sudden.

"I saw the news that there will be a shooting star coming by here!" I grinned.

Ayato patted my head, smiling. The shooting star passed by, I immediately made a wish. My (e/c) eyes sparkled, feeling too much happiness.

"What did you wish for (Y/N)?" Ayato asked.

"I wished for a unicorn that farts rainbow!" I told brother, "What's yours?"

Ayato chuckled, patting your head, and smiled about how cute your wish was.

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