Chapter 11: Smile For Me

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A/N ✨✨:
Nyan~ Hello Wanderers!~
A few days before the release of the third season of Haikyuu! *:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*
It's soooo exciting! I mean, come on! Like I wanted to know what happened when they face Ushijima. *fangurl mode on* (Except manga readers cuz ya know they read it already)
I'm also waiting for Bungou Stray Dogs season 2 this fall. *grins* Anyways, hope you enjoy le chapter~

Jaa nee~

-Wand-chan 👻


(Third Person's POV/Author-san's POV)

You had finished your last class, which is Math and luckily you survive from the lesson, despite the annoyingly number formulas you have to remember. You're waiting for the 'boy-that-always-make-your-heart-go-doki-doki' near your classroom door. While waiting, you just scroll through your phone, finding information about the latest anime, or show.


You heard the familiar voice, you turned around and smiled at the mama boy.

"You ready?" Sugawara asked you.

You nodded in response, putting your phone away in your schoolbag. You went to his side and walked together. You, (Y/N)-chan must be wondering where are you going with Sugawara and why are you with him. Well, here's why:

1. You were asked by Sugawara to come with him
2. Where? To the gym.
3. To overcome your "beautiful" phobia

Isn't exciting? NOPE. DEFINITELY  NOT. To be honest, you're not looking forward to it at all. But you have to overcome your fears and blah blah blah and so on.

Sugawara noticed your nervousness, and he hold both of your sturdy shoulders, making you flinch in the process.

"(Y/N)-chan, it's going to be okay," He told you in a gentle manner, "Can you just please...."

"Smile?" He gently touch your cheek, you felt your face turned red, "Please? For me?"

You smiled still your blood rushing through your cheeks. You heart beats faster and you just can't stand his cute face.

"That's better," He told you, moving away from your body.


"Hey guys, I brought some company over," Sugawara said, walking through the gym's door.

Behind Sugawara was a girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair, her face showed obviously the expression of fear. "Hi... I'm (L/N) (Y/N), um..." You paused for a while finding words to introduce yourself, "Nice to meet you?"

"Nice to meet you (L/N)-san!" They all shouted in unison exception for your two buddies. Oh, and Kiyoko as well.

"(Y/N)-chan!! Why didn't you say you're coming here??!" Nishinoya asked you, curiosity filled his mind.

"W-well I don't want you to worry and such... So yeah. AND." You told him emphasizing the 'and', "It's his fault, he asked me to come here!" Pointing at Sugawara who's talking to Daichi.

"Well, it's for your own good (Y/N)-chan," Sugawara told you in a gentle tone.

"Hmph." You pouted, turning your face to the side.

"Anyways, (Y/N)-chan today we're going to start training overcoming your fear," Kiyoko smiled softly and patted your right shoulder, encouraging you.

You nervously smiled back to the black-haired girl, hoping everything will go smoothly.



"THEY'RE TOO BEAUTIFUL!" Tanaka and Nishinoya gleamed, feeling blessed by seeing both smile, well Kiyoko's smile.

All you could do is sigh, shaking your head, still feeling nervous and all of a sudden starting to feel nauseous. You felt your world is spinning around, making yourself hard to walk. Others didn't notice what you're feeling now, until you said something.

"G-guys I don't feel good," you covered your mouth, wanting to barf.

Sugawara saw this and rushed to your side, seeing your body imbalanced. You starting to feel your body can't stand moving anymore. You fell down backwards, but luckily he caught you in his muscular arms. (A/N: Wait, does he?)

And the last thing you saw was...

Sugawara's HANDSOME, BEAUTIFUL, GORGEOUS I̶C̶A̶N̶T̶A̶L̶K̶A̶B̶O̶U̶T̶T̶H̶I̶S̶A̶L̶L̶D̶A̶Y̶L̶O̶N̶G̶ FACEU. Before you blacked out at the scene.

A/N ✨✨:

I updated earlier than usual but wutever. I do dis because I care for guys! (Д')

-Wand-chan 👻

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