Chap 20: Are You Happy Now?

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(Sugawara POV)
I'm looked at the list for the groceries, making sure I got everything I need.

"Eggs, check. Flour, check. Apples, check...." I trailed on the supplies list.

I checked out from the supermarket, bringing the load of groceries I have to carry. I looked up, seeing the sky was beautiful. Filled with clouds walking around the sky, its blue color was clear as the ocean's water. Looking at it, reminded me of someone.

I wonder how she's doing now, is she okay? Is she crying? Does she feel happy with the him? I wish I could be with her, holding hands, eating lunch with her, seeing her pretty face. I smiled at the memories we shared, but it was ruined after Ito came in.

I clenched my grip on the groceries harder, which almost teared the plastic bag apart. But, isn't she happy with her fiancé? She should be right? Since that what she wanted. My thoughts were broke after someone lightly tapped my shoulder.

"You dropped your grocery, sir." I was shock hearing the voice of the person. The person has black, mesmerizing hair, her skin glowed in the sunlight, her glasses showed her dark black eyes. It was the manager of the volleyball team Kiyoko.

"A-ah, thank you Kiyoko-san, you don't have to call me sir." I replied sheepishly.

"Oh sorry Suga, I didn't realize it was you!" Kiyoko bowed politely, feeling embarrassed to call her friend sir.

Kiyoko looked at my load of groceries, she lend her hand to me,"Let me help you with the groceries Suga."

I denied her offer, feeling bad to have a girl to bring my groceries. Even though my hands felt it's going to break soon. Kiyoko insisted herself to help me, I gave up and gave some of the lighter groceries to Kiyoko.

"Thanks Kiyoko," I grinned. Kiyoko smiled lightly, bringing the attention to the hormone boys around the area. Most of the boys blushed, averted their eyes away, maybe even some of them have their own fantasy. I grabbed Kiyoko's hand, taking her away from the perverted boys.

(Third Person's POV)
Sugawara ran away, still holding Kiyoko's hand. Kiyoko was oblivious about the situation, confused about it. He stopped running, ending up at a random park. They both panted, energy seeping out of them.

"What was that for?" Kiyoko asked softly.

"I'm not sure why I did that either," Sugawara scratched the back of his neck nervously. "It's an instinct, I guess." Kiyoko giggled, smiling as she does so. Sugawara smiled sheepishly, feeling awkward of the scene. He suddenly remembered something, he had to go back fast! His mom is waiting to make his favorite dessert, apple pie! (A/N: Who doesn't love apple pie?) He told Kiyoko he has an errand at home, so he rushed through the park, until he saw something.

It was you. You were with Ito, still in his comfort. Sugawara felt his heart tugged to comfort you as well, but he knew it's not his position to do so. He can see the smile from you to Ito, whereas Ito ruffled your hair softly. Sugawara forcefully smiled at this, he knew Ito was a better suitor for you. Before he fled from the love scene, Kiyoko was running towards him. She panted from the running, she gave the groceries he left with her.

"You forgot about this, so I came rushing hope that you were not far yet from here," She said kindly.

"Thank you Kiyoko-san, it must be a problem for you to get here."

Kiyoko shook her head in denial, "No, no it's fine. At least, you can have your groceries back or else I can have that for free." They both laugh at this, not realizing a girl was watching in the distance. After a few moments, Kiyoko  went back to her way home. He took a deep breath for the last time before seeing you again.

He looked his way towards you, his brown eyes meeting your (e/c) eyes, which puffed from the crying. Sugawara forcefully smiled at you, not wanting you to know he's breaking inside. He fled from the situation, not wanting to see your face which made him broke even more.

'At least (Y/N)-chan is happy, with him.' He doesn't know why his feeling got to him, he held his tears. 'I don't want to bother her anymore, she has found someone who truly loves her.'

'I hope you're happy (Y/N)-chan, but I'll keep holding you in my precious heart.'

I'm sorry I just updated after this 2 weeks! >< also for the short chapter.
I was quite busy with school, and also I was out inspirations even tho I have the plot in my head....

It just won't budge into writing ._.

Anywho hope you enjoy this chap~ dun forget to vote, comment or maybe even give me ideas for le fanfic.

P.S. I think I'm going to finish this fanfic as soon as possible.

Jaa mata ne Wanderers!~
-Wand-chan 👻

Volleyphobia (Sugawara x Reader Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang