Chapter 17: Too Much Things To Process

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(Third Person's POV)

What a day. You were really tired from putting an all-nighter last night to study today's tests, one of them being your worst subject. You felt dark black bags, starting to form under your stunning (e/c) eyes. Your energy draining from the exhaustion that you're feeling. You harshly slumped your bag to the side of the bag, that almost startled everybody in the classroom.

You laid your head on the table, folding your hands into a comfortable position to be a pillow, then you slept.

-Time skip brought you b— OSHIETE O OSHIETE YO SONO SHIKUMI WO *blasts loudly on the radio*-

You were sleeping peacefully, until someone decided to interrupted your beauty sleep.

"(L/N)-san, it's not good to sleep when tests are going to be given out," You glared at the person, and that person infront of you was...

Your homeroom teacher, Sebastian Michaelis. He put on his famous smirk, looking at your sloppy condition. You dislike him for some reason, with the demon like aura around him. (A/N: I dun hate him. He's just too bloody beautiful!) From his bloody red eyes, to his black astonishing hair, he made all the girls love him, exception for some people.

 He's just too bloody beautiful!) From his bloody red eyes, to his black astonishing hair, he made all the girls love him, exception for some people

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"Whatever.." You scratched your eyes and yawned in the same time.

I wish I can get more of my beauty sleep. I needed it BADLY. Argh.

He gave you the test sheet and put on his smile that could make any girls' heart go doki doki. You lazily took the the paper, ignoring the teacher's presence who's watching you like a hawk looking at its prey. It gave you the shivers, but you tried to be as calm as possible. That experience gave you the chills that made you forgot your sleepiness before.

"Now, you may begin the test everyone."

-TIME skip brought you by 707's love of PH D Pepper-

'My head feels like it's going to explode.' You massaged the sides of your head to make it less stressful for you. It was the end of the tests, luckily. It was also the end of the school day, hooray for you. You were happy it was the end of the school day, decided to check on the volleyball team on how they're doing.

You went inside the gym, all the members were there. With the managers, there's also Coach Ukai and Takeda-sensei. Wait. Somebody is missing. You shrugged it off, and went to the managers. You sat next to Kiyoko, happily chat with her. You told her about today, how it's annoying that your class has so many tests, especially (w/s). She just smiled, comforting you and hoping for the best of the results. You sighed, hoping what Kiyoko said it's true.

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