CHAPTER 9: Hσмιcιde

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I get what I wants, and so far, I wanted more blood. Tiffany tasted really disgusting. Maybe it was the make-up. Nope, she was just doing drugs.

As I smirked down at another one of my deadly crimes yet great and simple accomplishments, I thought I heard small cursing from outside. Snapping my head up towards the locked door, where the tiny voice came from.

I stared at the door and within seconds, there was banging against it. Someone was trying to open it. Hiding in one of the stalls, I closed my eyes. I thought of the door and blinked twice, unlocking it with my telekinesis. Yup, another vampire trick.

There were loud footsteps. A female screamed filled the room, making me wince and cover my ears. Damn. Whoever that girl is, she has a neat pair of lungs.

From a little peep, I saw the girl on the mirror. Shït! Kaye! Son of a bïtch! Did she see me come in here? Crap. I hope not. She'll expose me on national television. Or worse, she'll expose the three of us.

"Hey, cutie. What's up?" I asked in an innocent tone, sneaking from behind my little girlfriend.

She was able to play it cool about the dead body behind her.

"Oh, nothing, Did you see what happened to Tiffany Nickster? Tragic, right? It must be an awful sight! Yuck." Kaye spat out her tongue, making a fake disgusted face.

I chuckled at her with a decent face, trying not to look like the bad guy behind this. But I obviously was and she better not know it was me. She was a really good fake. From here, I can hear her heart thumping fast. I could tell she was freaking out internally.

"Wait. I didn't hear the door swing open. How'd you get in here so silently and so quickly?" Kaye raised her eyebrow, coming her head down a bit.

"Magic, baby!" I tried to be cute. Making a jolly face while shaking my hands in the air. More like the magic of vampirism.

Kaye let out a tiny chuckle. So effortless and so fake. "So, you wanna get out of this bathroom and tell the others about that thing?" I pointed to the body and looked back at her.

Kaye just shrugged her shoulders. Her acting skills were really good. "No, let's just let them find out by themselves. And when they do, let's pretend to be shocked, too!" She's crazy now.

Exiting the bathroom as if nothing horrid happened in the bathroom, I really freaking hope that Kaye doesn't knew what I actually did in there. I killed the girl the same way Fox News broadcasted the oddly usual death reports; bite marks to the neck, bloody corpse, and dried up skin. If you all thought it was wild and ravenous animal attacks that caused those then you're dead wrong. It was vampires. Like Brandon, Adam, and I. And there are many of us in the world, lurking in the shadows.

I may be drop dead gorgeous. Emphasize on the drop dead part. And my looks were killer. No one would've expect me to be a real killer

So, all the stories about vampires were facts; deadly and truthful facts about those blood-sucking demons from hell. I'm not exactly from hell. I was actually born in Wolverhampton.

Now that Kaye was in the presence of one of those vampires, she should feel the most terrified for her life. I wasn't gonna kill her...yet. She was still useful to me unless Brandon said so otherwise.

I was ahead of her, my hand on the cafeteria door, but before we walked in, I paused. My back facing Kaye.

"I'm not the bad guy, Kaye. I'm just one of the minions. Just be careful. Don't be oblivious to what goes on around that best friend of yours. We both know which one of your 3 friends that I'm talking about."

With Kaye speechless without another word, I zoomed through the doors and went back to the table. She was typically smarter than me. I was like a poet for 10 seconds. I was half wit and no luck, but Kaye was the opposite and had a brain to use. But, the warning I gave her should've been transparent enough for Kaye to see right through the problem.

The strange feeling of being spied on, the hallucinations, and the weird chilliness that she could feel on the back of her neck. I was talking about Diana. I'm not really that evil. I do kill people, but Brandon is just really messed up. I was better than him. He has some sick plot twists for Diana and Adam and I have to go along with it. Sure he's got goons to watch over Diana, but only Adam and I know what was really going on.

Kaye's best friend was in some sort of danger. I suggest that she should just keep an eye out for her, in case any unplanned surprises pop up. I saw her quietly returned to her place on the lunch table and was greeted by her friends. Putting on a fake smile which I clearly saw, she took a few glances at Diana.

Kaye was smiling and laughing like she didn't know that Diana wasn't in any risky hazards or having menacing threats. She put on quite a show for her friends, remaining composed and feigned that everything was going to be okay.

Living in Manchester was getting dangerous and more deadlier by the minute. No joy ride for anyone except for the people spying on their next victims. If only someone truly knew about the deep secrets that was bestowed on to Diana that she didn't even know about.

Written Faith (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now