Republican's Trash

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I got another Story Time Potatoes

The election had done a lot since Trump be elected.

Chaos start to exploded through out the country, democratic and republicans at each other's throats.

For me, it's every where. And specially at school, my school are filled of Republican's. Yes, their are some Clinton supporters, but Trump supporters are pretty much every where. I have friends who are Trump supporters, as well Clinton supporters. I honestly don't care about what they believe in as long it doesn't affect on how they treat each other.


There are some people who like to take things beyond needed.

I'm a club, Latino Club, where we all gather up t support each other, be more represnt in our very white school, preformed on the rallies, have fundraiser like churros for a dollar, and much more. We do have other race in our club, it's not only for latinos, but for everyone.

In Latino club, we sometimes gather up at Lunch and talk about fundraisers. Next we know, some freshmen in that Trump hat just yells out, "Can I help you?"

We all look at him like "What the fuck."

The teacher there told him just to continues his work, and we continue to discuses about our fundraisers.

Later the Trump Supporter yells out "BUILD THE WALL." Then runs out, we are all in shock from what happened, till one of my friends runs and see if he's still in the hallway. So we can talk to him to see what he's saying stuff like that to us, and for him to stop it.

But we don't see him, and continue what every we were doing.

Before lunch ended, Trump Supporter comes back again yelling "MAKE IT GREAT AGAIN, BUILD THE WALL." then runs away. At that point my friend doesn't haste to chase him down, so we had to chase her down. Then bell rang, making the hallways more crowed not able to find the dude.

That was day one.

The next day I went on a field trip, where I was dealing with a Public Transportation Pedophile. While my friends at school where dealing with the Trump Supporter guy. So apparently the guy stuck his head from the window looked at them, then threw his trash at the Latino Club.

Then said," I'm going to be laughing when they get deported."


Our teacher who was watching latino club said not to do anything, and that we started it. But we never started anything, he was the one who started.

Then later that day he was posting from what he said on the first day on building the wall.

Do you know how annoying it gets, from all you hear it "Wait till we build the wall, it will all be better." or " Just wait till they all get deported" and much more.

Its a constant in my school to hear this, and it gets tiring.

Trump Supporter, was posting videos on him disseminating at someone but not showing their face (was us) then tweeting about it, trying to get a group to gang up on us. And yes, some people agree to gang up on us during lunch. Then tagging someone the club member to his posts, telling people where they can find us getting over 200 views possibly much more since then.

By the end of the day, majority of the club member told their guardians what happened them reported to the school.

That was the second day.

Next day - today February 24, 2017.

A group of Latino club gather up, then went together to the office. When the president (my friend) told the office what happened. One of the councilors, that it seemed more of a personal thing that they should go talk to their parents. My friend told him they already did, they want it to reported before it gets out of hand. So the councilors told them he'll deal with it, and just go to class.

As they were all leaving, the Trump Supporter comes in with his mom. \(-_-)/ Im done.

He claims we started it, and he 'accidently' threw his trash to the window. Then claimed he never posted or did anything like that.

Where almost all my friends had a screenshots of it as evidence.

Originally they were going to expelled him, yet the school claim we didn't have enough evidence.


How much evidence do you guys need? Like really, do you guys want some fingerprinted from the trash, and the preserves second of the hour which the crime was done?

Later in the day, during lunch. We had a lot of supporters for Latino club, and we were talking on how we should not act on violence, keep down on the low for a bit, because we are all of thin ice. The school did not even want to create Latino club, it took us while before they finally accepted us.

We need a peace movement.

From that Trump Supporter only had 6 days of suspensions, compare he was about to get expelled. It's not a lot, and he wasn't a white boy he would of possibly had more days then 6.

The whole club and our supporters were waiting for Trump Supporter's people because they claimed they will gang up on us during lunch.

All we heard was theses two freshmen talking shit about us, between themselves.

Our President called them out saying "Do you want to say something?" All head were directed towards them.

"I rather not talk to you." Very rude

If he said one more thing, yeah we would of shut him down so hard. Good thing they left.

If you guys want to see the video the trump Supporter did then go to the link:

And you'll seethe stupid video he did.

Tell me what you Potatoes think.

Until next time, I'll be a very angry Potato.

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