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I ,Potato self, consider myself as a feminist. Am I a good feminist; NO.

I believe that I have been a feminist since I was 7 years old. At the time, I didn't know the word 'feminist', yet I knew I was- actual I know I am a feminist.

This is how I was open to the opperutinty to feminism.

My Mom and Dad were never married, broke up when I was young. Not sure why nor do I care because to me it ment I get two of everything. As in two birthday parties, crishmans, and much more. I have an hard working Mother, still a hard worker to this day; as well I have a very intelligent Father, who went into the military and who is always learning, to this day is still learning.

I was spending the day with my Dad at his place, and him use to be in the military, was doing some cardio work outs. I saw him doing push ups at the time, and wanted to join him because its looked like fun.

My Dad agreed to let me try to work out with him.

He told me, "Since your a girl, you'll do girl push ups."

Immideltly, my seven year old self said along these lines, "So? Just because I'm a girls doesn't mean I can't do what you can do."

"But your a girl." For someone who intuleccula didn't seem to grasp the concept, " Your small, and weak."

Okay that was true, because I was a scrawny seven year old trying to one up a guy for the military. I can see where he'll can get that idea, but it's how he word it. Saying,

"But your a girl." But? But what? Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't do push up, yeah it will take me awhile since I don't have traing like he did.

At that moment, I pretty much vowed I will beat my dad in everything he's good at. To be better, to show him, just because I'm a girl doesn't mean anything. Yes, can I pee like the guys with perfect aim to the snow? No, I can't. And there's biology saying women are naturally weaker. Why because we were envoled to be birthgivers and taking care of the home. Well it's not the 'good old days' anymore it should be the 'great o'day' or the 'better day'.

Because us women, are strong. We are intelliegent, brave, talented, having great leadership, and yes, strong.

What kills me is when I heard at my school, some girl said,"Yeah I think it's good that Trump is the president, and not Clinton, because I don't think women can run the countries."


In history we had rulers and emupers who were women. They were ruthless, and made sure they were good at their job, who were smart, and much more. We are still discovering, that there were women warriors, I think, in the Amazon. In their grave what looked liked that killed by wounded warriors.

We have women who are rape survivors, men too, and have to relearn to live in their society. As people we live in fear, and when we are knocked down, the people who come back up are still traumatized yet they keep on living, because hope is there.

Hope; it is not a wish, but a will. A will that it is going to happen, and it's going to be better. And we, the people are going to get better.

So I hope, that it will get better in the future, because right now I need to help others to get there.

And men, if you ever read this. Please understand, we the minority as women, color, and children need help. Help us to have a voice, so people don't think we are just complaining about something useless. We need you men, to be apart of the solution, because we need as many people we need, to no longer have feminism, but equality.

I hope to believe one day to equalities, and I'll help to start as a feminism.

We do this by having our chine raised up high, back straight up, even it is hard. Have our voices tp be heard, to believe whst is right. We do this by speaking Love, not hate. Because since when does hate t

This Is A Potato In Trying To Show New Opportunities.

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