Part VIII - What're Your Opinions On Victims Committing Suicide?

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No one on Earth should have to take their own life over any reason whatsoever. The entire concept of it is just silly to me. I see no formal (or informal) way to be completely sure of oneself to take their life just like that. I mean sure, it must've been thought out for some time, but actually doing it is another thing. Everyone in this world has a reason to live for. Even if you don't know the reason(s) yet, you'll find it if you just give yourself time.

Now, I know some of you are going to be like, "Well, I've waited a long time already and nothing good has come to me yet." Cherish. Your. Life. We're on a giant ball spinning at like.. 8,000 miles an hour around an even bigger ball hurdling through space! Our planet has been around for billions of years, and we only get on average 60-70 years on Earth. Enjoy life. Enjoy the little things.

There is no reason why suicide is an answer. There's always a reason to live, never a reason to not. That's how I put it. If you can't find a reason to keep on, then make finding a reason your reason to keep going. I say taking your own life is selfish. There is at least one person in your life that will miss you if these thoughts cross your mind. Think about that person's feelings and how they'd feel about your death.

They'd think they didn't try hard enough to save you, help you, etc. When you take your life; you're taking the lives of others around you that need you. I like to be balanced. I do things that not only benefit my life, but the lives of others around me. They may not like it much at times; but it benefits them in the least. That way I don't owe favors and it keeps drama out of my life.

I like helping people. I do, but that doesn't necessarily mean that I can help you if it's needed. It all depends on how you let me or someone else into your life, and what you share with them. Fighting suicidal thoughts can be difficult, but that doesn't mean you let it win. Fight.

Back to the topic again!

I think.. Bullies who bully people into committing suicide like that need to be severely punished and face the required consequences for making someone take their own life. It's not needed, and no one should ever make anyone do that. That's the same thing as murder in my book. It's never a fun thing to make someone want to kill themselves. Bullies will laugh about it, but when they start seeing the damage that they're causing; they'll soon regret what they did, and be struck with guilt for a long time with no way to get rid of it.

In other words:

Anyone out there that needs some advice: Don't let go. Keep fighting, and find something to believe in. Get a hobby, make a goal for yourself and strive for it. Just don't run out of reasons to not live.

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