Part II - What is Bullying?

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Bullying is defined as the intimidation of a weaker person: the process of intimidating or mistreating somebody weaker or in a more vulnerable situation. Sounds about right, right? Yes, that is true. However, there is more to bullying than just intimidating and teasing someone. Bullying comes in every form of experience. Social, emotional, physical, work-related, etc. Some people wonder what bullying really is, but actually trying to tell you all what it is would be a problem since there are a lot of definitions for bullying. Let's attack the main one though.

After a good couple of years after grade school, I've decided to take the time to jot down what a bully may really propose as a threat, and honestly; I've seen people kill themselves over bullying, and it's sometimes on the news in my local area. It's incredibly sad, since those people had a lot more to live for than what the bully told them what they were worth.

Yes, bullying is a bigger threat than what it seems to be and I know a lot of you have experienced that firsthand yourselves, so for that; I'm sorry that you had to go through that.

No one deserves to be bullied. It's said over and over. Yet, does anyone really do anything about it? I'm sure a lot of you have heard of bystanders right? Witnesses to an act of bullying that may or may not do anything to help the victim. Personally, no one did anything to stand up for me, so I had to do it myself. I had no friends back in grade school. Still rarely do, so it's harder to do things yourself without the support of others. I've witnessed this firsthand.

Friends are important to anyone, and it's great to make some, because the real friends will stick to you no matter what happens. If you're being bullied, then you need to find someone to help you out. Bystanders may or may not help you out when it's needed. Some people just stand and watch, because they too, are afraid to stand up for themselves and for others because they don't want to get knocked down again.

If you've witnessed bullying of any kind; then, by all means, the choice is yours to ultimately help out in the end. We all may be bound by society, but there are almost an infinite amount of things you can do as a human. To practice these rights is to be human, and being proud with little to no luxuries is a great thing to endeavor yourself in.

Back to the topic of this part though.

What is bullying? In order to understand what bullying is, you have to understand the story from both sides. A story is never one sided, but always with two sides. Understand the bully, and try and compromise with them. The best way to learn from something is to understand it, and then gain invaluable experience from it.

Too much suffering occurs from misunderstandings.

This is the saying that I live by, and will always stick by, because I hate causing suffering, and being a apart of it. You can learn from the hate of others and compromise ideals and understand one another through the pain and hate that both parties are feeling and or conflicting upon one another.

Sweat is just as valuable a gold or fame, because it proves that you've gained experience, so work hard to obtain something and strive for it. I'm sure anyone here can stand up for someone else being bullied once they gather the courage to do so, because the right thing to do is your choice, because it's right to you at least. You should never let anyone define your life and tell you who you are, because you're you. It's YOUR life, and not anyone else's.

These are just my personal opinions though. I've learnt a lot over the years, and honestly; it's not much. I can't stand up to bullies alone. I can't fight battles alone, and there are some personal battles you can't fight alone either. Gather friends and family and make a stand for yourself. It's alright to be self-sufficient, but don't be independent. It ultimately leads to despair and self-inflicted wounds. Those ARE NOT battle scars, but wounds made to look like scars.

The real question I want to ask all of you: What can you do about bullying? What will you do about it? (You can leave your replies as comments or just talk to me)

Here's my answer to those questions:

What can I do about bullying? What I CAN do is make a stand of any sorts. It can be as small as saying, "HEY. Don't do that." Or as big as making it a public announcement that'll echo through the hallways of the schools or into the hearts of others far and wide, because no one deserves to be bullied in any way, shape or form.

What will I do about it? Exactly what I'm doing now. Sharing my experiences, personal opinions, and facts that I've gathered through multiple experiences from my stands against bullying. We're all only human, and there's only so much we can do. Make bigger than expectations for yourself even if you're afraid of heights. Make a STAND! Climb higher and higher, because even if you don't realize it now; you will soon realize that you'll be helping someone. An act of kindness will go as far as you allow it, so spread it. Have others spread it. Have them spread it and more and more people will share your words to others.

If you fall then stand back up and try again. There's no need to give up on something after you fail once or twice. There are no jocks, no geeks or nerds. No populars. No unpopulars. We're all human! I can't make this stand by myself, so help me. Don't place yourself above anyone else just because you sit at a higher spot on the 'popularity chart'. To let another human suffer, and you being the cause of it; is barbaric in every way, shape and form. It's inhuman and unwanted. You're a human just like me and everyone else. Don't be a fool and fall for society!

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