Part III - Why Do People Bully People Who Don't Deserve It?

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(Question asked by BlueSapphireRose07)

A good question indeed. You are right about one thing though: No one deserves to be attacked or bullied in any way, shape or form. As I've stated previously; we're all humans and we all deserve to be treated as so. There is not a single person in this world that is a higher form of human. Sure, some may stand at a higher ranking; but we're all human in the end, and nothing can change that. (Except for a genetically enhanced super foot soldier!)

This world is bound by society, and of course people look down at others because of where they stand among the ranks of their peers. I guess you could say it's a primal instinct that dignifies a response such as that, but people often bully others who don't deserve it because they think they can and will get away with it. Honestly, I have yet to see a way to counteract this except for standing up for yourself.

More than half the time, they'll just attempt to push you down again, but keep fighting! Show your true colors to others and they'll sooner or later respect you for who you are, and not what they make you out to be. We're all only human, and there's nothing that can change that. Strive for bigger goals and fulfill them with YOUR strength.

In my personal experience, doing this helped me; because I took my stand and read that report I wrote to everyone at my grade school. It showed them I wasn't afraid and that I wasn't going to give up, so they let me be. For a while that is. The bullying started up again in sixth grade, but only for a while. It died down after the sixth grade, because that's when I moved.

I'm not trying to ruin anyone's hopes, but sometimes things don't turn out how they're supposed to. That doesn't mean give up after reading this though! No, that's not the point of this guide. I answer questions you have about bullying and offer MY advice. Which is to not give up at all. Bullying may inflict massive pain on a lot of people, but we, the victims, should make a stand for ourselves and for the sake of others.

Be yourself! Originality is the best thing anyone can have, so don't prove yourself to be the fake person that the bully or bullies make you out to be. Do not let anyone define who you are, because you're you. Be happy you're you. Don't be afraid to show everyone that you're you. Be upbeat and spontaneous! If you don't like being bullied then don't let it happen.

The only person who can stop anyone from bullying you is yourself. Not me, not your friends or teachers or anyone else. Just you. Only you can make that call. Only you can tell yourself to let the bullying stop here and now. Let others give you the courage and advice you need to stop the bullying. Be strong. Be proud.

Back to the main topic though. As I was saying, people bully others who don't deserve it because they feel like they can. They know no one will stop them, or at least they think that. They've built a strong reputation in whatever community they're in, and they won't let you or anyone else ruin it so easily. You have to fight and make yourself tougher than they are by being the bigger person, and ultimately, exploiting their weaknesses. Sounds cowardly, yes. It isn't though. The only way to topple something is to either attack all at once with a lot of people, or do it by yourself by attacking the weakpoints in the structure.

I'm not saying this to tell you to become the bully of the bully that's bullying you, but so that you can prove your worth and strength to them. It's the only way I can think of that'll get them to notice you, but don't attack them physically, no. Become friends with their friends and show him/her that you're not a pushover. Become socially-involved as much as you can, and if that doesn't work.. Keep trying.

Just remember one thing . . .

Be. You.

(I know the answer is pretty short, but I assure you it's worth the read in the least. I'll be updating as much as I can, but I have other stories to worry about as well.)

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