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Some of you may be confused by the title of the story itself, but I will tell you firsthand; THIS IS NOT A STORY. Actually, I've been getting lost in a train of thought for my writing for the time being, and I've decided to do something about bullying. Simply put, I will share my imagination and life with everyone on Wattpad in this guide.

I'm only a human, but that doesn't stop me from trying to make a difference in the world. I can't do wrong by trying to speak my mind, and I will stand up and be as good a person as I can be to help others as much as I possibly can.

Honestly; not much is said in general about bullying, and I hardly see anything being done about bullying on Wattpad. I hardly see stories about bullying, and experiences as a victim of a bully.

The main concern I have about bullying is that hardly anyone tries to stand up for themselves because they're scared of being pushed back down again after trying so hard to get back on their feet. This guide itself is something for people to read, but not necessarily follow along with. Mainly, it's full of advice and neutral opinions that I've thought about while I endeavor in my life and the lives of others.

So.. As a prelude to my endeavor.. I am happy enough to bring all of you a satisfactory beginning to my attempt to prevent bullying.

Absolute Guide to BullyingWhere stories live. Discover now