Part IX - Been A While I Know

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I know it's been quite some time since I've updated this guide, but I feel like I should now by releasing some information I've gathered about the community as my time as an Ambassador. Regrettably, I've seen many forms of bullying on here in almost every way, shape and form that can be humanly possible. It hurts me to see people doing this to others, but as I've stated before in previous sections, as wrong as it may be, it's also not right to be the ones to send the pain back where it originated from. The amazing wonders of life is to take everything with a pinch of sugar and a grain of salt because not everything is going to be great. Hurt always must come before the pain goes away.

I've seen people leave Wattpad because of bullying, and these people were great people. They had no bad intentions against anyone, yet people seemed to have found a way to make it seem like they did. I feel heavily for these people as I've talked to them before and I've interacted with them and gained new friends on Wattpad. It's sad to see them leave because of bullying, and it's even sadder for me for the fact that I couldn't do anything to stop it.

From my time as an Ambassador, I've learnt that I can't always doing everything. I can't do everything right even if people expect me to. I am but one person, and sadly, it takes more than one person in this world to make a difference. Sure, one person could jump start a change, but it's others that spread it and make it happen. I want to make it aware that I am against bullying, but I'm not against being human and acting human. We're all human, and we all deserve to be treated as such. There is no need for violence, but it's here anyways because we as humans are greedy and strive for bigger things all the time. I think it's just in our nature.

Honestly, I'm sad. I get bullied a lot still, but it's all online. However, for someone like me who spends most of their days online, it hurts to get bullied as it's pretty much a second life to me. For all of you bullies out there on Wattpad who even care to read things like these, I know you're human and I don't blame any of you for anything. Whether you're misguided teenagers or just people with problems. I understand. I know what it's like to have problems or a bad family life. However, I don't see it as a reason to justify bullying. I can't stop any of you, but I can ask you all to at least think about the people you've hurt. Think about someone or the people you've bullied in your life if you have and think about what they felt.

I know we're all old enough by now to realize our actions and think for ourselves and think about others. Why don't we though? Most teenagers are naive and don't notice things such as bullying right away. Most don't even notice until the damage is already done. Telling people to leave Wattpad and never come back, or calling them names such as whore, slut, bitch, and others isn't necessary. People have rough lives, and most won't share what's going on in theirs.

What does a single man have to do to make a change? I want Wattpad to have a better community, and that's the entire drive and fuel for my fire for becoming an Ambassador and doing what I can to help. I admire everyone in this community, because I love Wattpad as a whole and that means loving all of you.

If anything, I wish for this to be shared.



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