Chapter 25: I know who A.D is

Start from the beginning

I come out with a towel around my waist and hair.
- Oh you're back already. I say to Toby.
He seems preoccupied and doesn't answer
- Tob's ? Are you okay ? Ever since you came out of the kitchen with Emily you've been acting weird.

- She, She told me something. Something bad. Not "bad" bad actually because it could be good  it it's true but it's hard to believe.

- Toby...
i sit at the counter in front of him
What did she tell you ? You know you can tell me, no more secrets we agreed on this.

- I know Spence but, Emily did not even tell Ali. I don't really know if she wants everyone to know yet...

- The question is, do you think she's hiding whatever she's hiding from Ali because it concerns her, because she doesn't want to hurt her or because she doesn't trust her ?

- She didn't tell me directly, but i know that it's because Ali would worry a lot if she knew.
I... I need to tell you but please, don't say anything yet. Not until we're sure.

- I promise. What is happening Tob's?
He start telling me what happened in the kitchen earlier today

- I think i know who A.D is Toby....

- What ?! But. How?

- Listen, i'm not sure but, the building. What we found in it. It was very, familiar

- How familiar ? Did you know Wren well?

- Wren is not the person i'm thinking about. I told you already, he's not A-
At first, the posters caught my attention. I don't know if you've seen some but-

- I wasn't really interested in the background of the room i was in. Get to the point i don't want to remember this

- Sorry... Anyway. The posters were all things that were "cool" back in 2013-2014. Mostly old bands and youtubers I used to listen and watch.
So i was like "What about it. A.D is "human" you may like the same things it's no big deal"
But then, this computer. I knew this computer. You see the listen scratch it has on the side. I did this 7 years ago. That's why i knew the password, i suck at prob's Toby.

- What are you trying to say ? Em'. Is this your computer?

- No... It's Paige's

End of flashback

- Paige is A.D? I exclaims in surprise

- I don't know, but Em' is 100% sure that this is her old computer

- But what would be her motive? Paige liked us, she was a good person. what the fuck?

- I really don't know, I've been thinking all day but the things on the computer did not help. Nothing can confirm that it's her. That's why she didn't want me to say anything.

I think a bit and take my phone.
- I'm calling her, and Ali

- Spencer, she is going to kill me !

- Don't worry, i know her if she told you she already knew was going to know.
Grace is not here tonight and has school tomorrow so we have more than 20 hours to find out everything

I call the both of them and explain what Toby told me. Like i expected, Emily was waiting for me to call her about this.

Funny how love works (A Spoby Story) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now