Chapter Two // Jayde's Prologue

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Jayde's P.O.V

"Mum! You know my birthday's coming up?" I leaned on the kitchen table. My mum glanced over her shoulder.

"Yes? What is it?" She replied, turning towards me and crossing her arms. She had a massive grin on her face. Like she knew what was coming. I can't blame her. I've been going on about this for weeks.

"You know I've always wanted to go to a non school uniform school..?" I asked her. She definitely knew this was coming.

She began to laugh. She walked around me and pulled out a small piece of paper. It was folded and looked very crumpled. How long has she had this for? Picking up the piece of paper, my heart began to race. I unfolded it carefully. It was a letter. It was directed to my mum. It read:

Dear Monica Johnson,

I am Kiley Smith, Headmistress of Athlone High. Thank you for contacting me. I have a few things to say about your daughter, Jayde, joining the school. The mornings are always quite busy as we are trying to gather people to take over a few lessons and I'm trying to get their interviews in as early as possible. Jayde is welcome at 12:30pm on the 5th of February. That way I can have her time table printed out and still have enough time to show her around the school. She can even take a few lessons and get to know a few people. Thank you for choosing us.

Kind regards,

~Kiley Smith

I couldn't believe it! My mum got me a place in a non school uniform school! I was so happy! I screamed and leaped up and down. I finally leaped into my mum's arms and I'm pretty sure I nearly killed her. I couldn't help it. I was so excited to start over and meet new people. But wait. What was the date today? The 5th of February!

"You better go get ready," my mum suggested. I nodded my head quickly before bolting it up the stairs. I didn't know what the heck to wear. It was my first day and there is only room for good impressions. I pulled on a 'Panic! At The Disco' band shirt; forced on some skinny jeans and slipped on some converses. I grabbed my brush off of my bed-side table and began to brush very quickly and painfully through my hair. I tied it into a pony tail and threw my brush onto my bed. I grabbed my phone from under my pillow and nearly broke the door as I left. I rushed back down the stairs and met my mum at the bottom.

"That was quick" she smirked. I laughed and then started to breath heavily.

"Come on" she handed me my backpack and we headed into the car.

~At The School~

We entered the school office and I took a seat on one of the chairs as my mum began talking to the receptionist.

"My daughter is here to talk to Miss Smith about her joining this school. She was meant to be here at 12:30 but I bought her here now because I need to get to work and I can't leave her alone," My mum began to explain. I couldn't hear the receptionist say anything so I can only guess that she nodded. My mum turned to me and smiled.

"I'll leave you to it. Call me at the end of the day. Don't leave your phone anywhere. Um.. Don't-" She went on with a list.

"Mum- I get it" I laughed, cutting her off. She pulled me in for a hug and she gave me a small kiss on the head before leaving for work. I sat back on the chair and began scrolling through Instagram. As I was stalking Brendon Urie's Instagram, I heard the door open. A man with green hair walked in. He was wearing a suit. I could only guess he was a teacher but... Why did he have green hair? He reminds me of someone...

As he made his way to the receptionist's desk, my gaze drifted down to my phone. I didn't fancy staring at his ass. He began talking to the receptionist. His accent! I hope he's not a teacher and he's just a really tall student that's late... I blocked out the sound of his voice before I started blushing and turned back to my phone. But then he just had to sit next to me. Well, not next to me but one seat across from me... Just keep looking at the phone.

Scrolling through other people's feed became boring. Suddenly, I heard a door open and a woman was about to walk out until the receptionist pushed her back in saying "How desperate are you for teachers?". The man seemed to be staring at the two of them. Perfect chance to get a closer look at this guy. He wasn't half bad.

I started to stare into his ocean blue eyes until he turned back and our eyes locked. Damn! I tried to think of something to say to avoid any awkwardness...

"Are you a teacher?" I asked him, trying to hold back my blush.

"Not yet. Hopefully!" His accent! Ok, calm down...

"I've never met someone with green hair before..." I stated as he smiled, "Well, except for one guy..."

His smile dropped.

A/N So this is Jayde's Prologue. I wrote it a bit shorter than Jack's because I'm lazy. No shame. I've been out all day because my mum wanted to treat me since it's my birthday tomorrow. But yeah... the chapters aren't going to be like one chapter is jack's p.o.v and the next is Jayde's. I'm just going to write and whoever seems most important in that scene then I'll do it in their p.o.v. I will mainly write in Jayde's p.o.v since I have a whole story for her. But yeah if you want to see some of Jack's p.o.v just say in the comments. Thank you for reading this chapter I might update tomorrow but it's my birthday. I'll try. But TYSM!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2017 ⏰

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