Chapter 28.

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Kate and I awoke late morning, although we had barely slept anyway, making up for lost time over the six weeks. I had Kate in my arms and I slowly broke away with my right hand, trailing it down her chest and stomach, down between her legs. She grinned at me and closed her eyes as I nuzzled into her neck, my fingers sliding inside her, my thumb resting on her clit, moving it in soft yet firm circles. Kate moaned hoarsely and I pushed my mouth deeper into her neck.

Kate was flying back to New York right away after her romantic overnight stay and I was headed to the city to meet Josh at our hotel. I walked Kate to her gate, her blonde hair tied in a tight bun, dark sunglasses covered most of her face & she was dressed in tracksuit pants & an oversized tee.
People WILL look at you dressed like that, I said with a laugh. Kate grinned, her sweet simple forming on her cheek, I'll see you later this week babe. Good luck, she leaned in for a lingering kiss, 'I'll call you when I land.' I nodded and we held hands briefly before a quick kiss goodbye.

I arrived at the hotel which was in the heart of the city, found the details of my room & then ran up to it, flinging open the door, Josh was inside sitting on the bed. He quickly rose to his feet, go go go go go,' he said, a fistful of papers in his hand, walking over to me and tapping me on the butt, ushering me toward the bathroom, Shower, now! Change. Then we go.'

I finished up and changed into the clothes Josh had suggested for my workshop, comfortable loose pants, a fitted tee and sneakers. I felt pretty trendy as I had my chucks on and I slung my oversized brown hand and over my shoulder, threw on my 'don't fuck with me' oversized shades, and a light scarf around my neck. I was feeling absolutely shattered and exhausted, but didn't let it show.
My stomach began to growl as we headed down towards the lobby, I needed some food. Josh hailed a cab and before I knew it we had arrived at an acting studio where I would be taking a class for the afternoon.

Josh met me outside the building after the lesson. I emerged with an apple in one hand and a doughnut in the other.
I guess that's balanced, Josh stated as he walked over to me. I took a bite of the apple, chewed a bit and then took a small bite of the doughnut.
Food over here is so good, but food in general is good, especially when you're starving.
I'd been able to speak with Kate when we had taken a break and I had learned a lot from the class & other students.

The rest of the week was a whirl of meetings & auditions, and I felt self confident & positive each time.

How are things? Kate asked me over FaceTime, the night before I was due to fly to New York. We were both laying in our beds, talking, I could see Nino sitting next to Kate, curled up asleep next to her shoulder.
They're good hon, I feel pretty confident. I had a couple extra auditions for a few other roles in the same films so I figure that gives me more than one chance.
Kate laughed, her shaking shoulders jerking Nino awake, his head looking up at his owner & then back down to return to his sleeping position, curling up tighter. Kate looked over at the clock on her bedside table, 'ok babe, sleep for the both of us, I will see you tomorrow my love.'
'Love you, good night Kate.'

Kate had rehearsals for SNL all Thursday so I let myself into her apartment after seeing Josh off to his hotel. I dumped my bags in the corner of the room & climbed into Kate's bed, loving having her gingerbready scent surround me. I napped for a couple of hours, looking forward to pulling Kate into bed with me again.

I decided to text Kristen & Melissa to see if they had any free time in the afternoon to meet up or if they wanted to join Kate and I for a drink after this week's SNL.

I was soon on my way to meet up with Kristen at a coffee shop that was a few blocks away.  I smiled brightly at her as she waved at me from a table when I arrived, her face lift up with a parted lip smile. I approached her and we cheek kissed and hugged.
Laura! Welcome back!
Thanks honey, I took the menu handed to me from a waiter, I'm so happy to be back, I almost feel like I'm relived to be 'home'. As though I've been away on holiday'
Kristen nodded as she poured us glasses of water, I know what you're trying to say. It gets like that when you're on set, with each other day in, day out and then suddenly it stops.' Kristen looked up at me, it's harder on you though cherub, you lost Kate for a few weeks and then not being in the same country to all of us. You're back now though.' She reached out for my hands that were clutching the paper menu. I smiled and nodded in agreement.
We chatted over our food for a couple of hours, and were then interrupted by a call from Kate,
hey babe, I'm heading back, you home?
I'm with Kristen, we're not far away though.
Okay babes, I should be home in about thirty, see you ladies then.
'Coming to Kate's?' I asked Kristen as I ended the call, I took a sip of water.
'No Lau, I'll see you both Saturday though, Melissa is going to come too. Let me know plans and we'll watch SNL all together and then go for drinks with Kate and Leslie,' I nodded.

Kate and I had decided to try and keep the media away from our relationship for the time being, let the movie take priority within the media. There hadn't been too much about us online or tv, most of the photos had been from set, in character and a handful from public places like our night out with all the ladies and a couple of us holding hands in the street. I wasn't going to be backstage with Kate and Leslie for SNL this week but meet up with them after for the post episode party, hopefully with Kristen and Melissa too .
Kristen and I said our goodbyes and I headed back to Kate's apartment.

I had stopped at a local market to pick up some food for dinner later, I wanted to make the night special as we were finally back together.
I had barely unpacked the shopping bags when Kate burst through the door, startling both myself and Nino who was settled on the couch.
Kate looked at me, mouth open, our dresses are ready! Lesssssgoooooo!' She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door, I snatched up my handbag and followed her, the door slamming closed behind us.
What do you mean? I questioned.
'Final fit for me, first fit for you.'
I gritted my teeth and grinned, slipping the strap of my bag across my shoulders. I was so excited.
Kate and I caught a train to the designer's studio that had made our premiere dresses.

Before long I was sitting on an expensive looking couch, Kate standing in front of me, clad in her stunning floor length blue gown. I felt my entire body heat up seeing her grace the small raised platform in front of me, Kate noticed and laughed a little,
You like it huh?
I nodded, speechless.
Your turn! Kate said as our designer Mary Crüe added a couple more pins to Kate's gown and the blonde stepped down from the raised floor and headed to the back to change.
Mary came over to me, taking my hand and leading me towards the change rooms, Mary had designed some of Kate's previous outfits and everything she made was beautiful, very feminine but not over the top with obscure prints, mesh or colours. Mary guided me into a change room and I could see the dress hanging on a hook, the bright, deep red drawing me close to it. I turned to Mary but she had drawn the long curtain closed. I touched the silky fabric and began to take my sloppy, way too casual clothes off. Stepping out of my chucks I had on, I noticed the black strappy heels sitting next to another large chair that was in the corner of the decent sized change room. Great, I thought, I'm gonna have to practice walking in heels too!
I took down the dress, stepping into it, pausing before pulling the straps up and over my shoulders, I wanted to remember this specific moment. Before my extra long pause was over Kate poked her head in, Kate!! I exclaimed, I don't want you to see me yet! Kate laughed loudly, I've seen you all before,' she responded cheekily. I laughed. I'll zip you up, Kate was suddenly beside me, pulling the sleeves over my shoulder, kissing my bare back as she pulled up the short zip. She rested her chin on my shoulder and stared at us in the mirror that covered the wall. My whole body broke into goosebumps, I smiled at our reflection.
You are so perfect, Kate whispered, leaving a kiss on my neck.
'No, ' I said softly, 'we are so perfect.'

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