Chapter 8.

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Just here, Kate said to the driver, we'll be good from here. See you tomorrow.

We exit the SUV & I gaze in awe at the buildings of New York City. I was so happy to be filming here rather than Los Angeles. NYC had a special place in my heart from a visit in my early twenties. But it had changed so much over the years. Kate's touch broke my thoughts as she brushed her hand down my arm. The weather was warm but my arm instantly covered with goosebumps at her touch. Italian? I nodded eagerly & she gestured towards a small restaurant tucked between a cafe & sports store. This is my favourite place to eat, the blonde stated, flashing her perfect smile. I smiled back and then broke our gaze to look up again at the buildings.  I'm starving, I announced and we walked into the surprisingly quiet eatery. We were early for a dinner but we both sat down, silent as we perused the menus handed to us by the waiter. What's good here, I finally questioned, not daring to meet Kate's eyes with mine. Everythingggggg, Kate responded. I looked at her and laughed. We ordered after a few minutes and chatted non stop whilst we awaited for our food.  I felt my cheeks heating up every time our eyes met. I listened as Kate chatted and joked, I was just in awe of her. The way she talked about everything so passionately and honestly. This woman was so raw & genuine. I felt at ease in her company, my nervousness melting away with every word she spoke. The restaurant began to fill up after a while & I realised we had been eating and talking for nearly two and a half hours. Reluctantly as we finished up & the conversation died down I thanked Kate & told her I should really get back to my hotel as it was a bit of a drive away.  Kate studied me, as though thinking hard about what I was saying. I looked down at my lap, almost uncomfortable, as though maybe I had insulted her. Are you having a good time? I looked up at her, yes it's been an incredible few days. Kate smiled and shook her head, no here, now? I nodded, the highlight of my week. I briefly panicked, what a response. Kate didn't seem to notice. Good, she said, let's add some more fun to your week, we have had such a good evening so far, let's go sightseeing! I burst out laughing, what? now? Kate nodded and winked at me, yes now! We have the whole night ahead of us, c'mon! She tugged at my arm & waved to the waiter. My treat, Kate said with a smile as she whipped out her credit card & handed it to the waiter. Before I could protest she said, you can pay for our next dinner. I smiled, our next dinner. I liked the sound of that.

We walked along the the streets of New York City, the light slowly fading. It was cooling down but was still a perfect evening, it was made even more perfect knowing I was wandering the street with Kate. We chatted non stop about everything. I felt so comfortable, long gone was the nervousness of fluttering butterflies, now they were just butterflies full of happiness & content. Kate suddenly stopped in the middle of the footpath. I too stopped, looked quickly down to my watch, 8pm and then up to meet Kate's blue eyes. She acknowledged the time by grabbing my watch and turning it to her, the soft hand on my wrist gave me goosebumps, again. Laura, I won't be offended if you say no, but we're having an awesome night yeah, I nodded. Why don't you come back to mine tonight. I'm literally around the corner, you can have an early night rather than making the long trip back to your hotel & then we can just head to the studio together in the morning. Josh could get an early night too. I chuckled, and how long have you been thinking this through? My comfort level with her was now on a different scale. Only all evening, she smirked in response. I shook my head and took my phone out of my bag, I shot Josh a quick text to let him know my plans.
Beep Beep
Kate leaned in close to the phone, almost like a little kid hoping her parents say yes to having a friend spend the night.
Sure Laura, just let me know what time to pick you up tomorrow when you finish. Enjoy!
Kate giggled, and squeezed my arm. Seriously she's going to have to stop doing that, I shudder in excitement with goosebumps each time.
So, I toss my phone back in my bag, which way to yours? Kate grins & begins walking along the footpath, smiling at me to follow.

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