Chapter 7.

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I was back at my hotel by 6pm. It had been a long day but all I wanted to do was snuggle into bed and replay the day in my head. Kristen had been quieter than I had expected and the script change had caught me off guard. The long filming schedule now made sense to me. I had thanked Josh for the ride back and he said he would pick me up at 8am again the next morning. The timetable for the week was pretty intense but there were plans to finish early on the Friday and start at 6am the Saturday morning. I ran a quick shower after sending a text to my family with a short description of the day. My mum sent back the standard: we are missing you already movie star.

I was in bed by 8pm, curled up in a cocoon of bedsheets replaying the day from beginning to end, over and over. It was 10pm and I still couldn't sleep. My phone let out a gentle Beep Beep and I leaned over to the nightstand to retrieve it. Welcome to the team Mikayla. I smiled and then squinted in confusion at just a phone number displayed, clearly not one stored in my phone. I was intrigued and butterflies filled my belly. I was receiving a text from one of the girls. I freed both arms from my mass of sheets and focused more intensely at the screen. Thank you. I typed, and which Ghostbusters would this be? Send.
Kate, came the reply, instantly.
Thanks Holtzy. Send.
I then panicked. Should I have written Kate? Should I have said Holtzmann? I let my phone fall to my chest and I cupped my face in my hands, excited yet almost stressed. Kate McKinnon had texted me. I had her number.
Sweet dreams Mikayla, Mik sounds better than Tat anyway! came the reply.
I grinned and chuckled. Good night Kate :) Send.
I put my phone back on the nightstand, still staring at it in the hopes for another message. Before I could even think anything more I drifted off into a deep sleep.

The next morning, right on time Josh knocked on the door to my room. I grabbed my handbag and pulled on my flats. I dressed up more than the previous day, with a flower printed loose top, fitted jeans and my cute casual blazer. I had let my curls fall naturally around my face. Opposed to yesterday's  high ponytail and business style black pants and tee. Josh and I arrived at the studio in no time even though it was a 40 minute drive. We chatted the entire ride and I felt a lot more comfortable going into the gathering today. I was still tired but the adrenaline was keeping me pepped.

Kristen was sitting at the table already and I wasn't sure if I was to sit next to her or if we were to take the same seats as the day previous so I just stood, leaning against the table near to where she was seated.
How did you feel about yesterday she questioned.
Well I feel much better about yesterday, today, I replied, it was very overwhelming. I think it was more meeting everyone that was playing on my mind more than anything.
Kristen smiled warmly and let out a soft chuckle, you will get used to it. We have a lot of fun but we also work hard. Once things start happening & we get into the filming you won't have time for any stress, you'll put it all into your scene & character.
I beamed at the short haired brunette , thank you Kristen. I can't explain how relieved that makes me feel. I feel a lot better hearing you say that. Kristen smiled back at me and we continued to chat, I changed my mind on the seating arrangements and slunk into the chair next to her & we chatted about her career & experiences. Kate & Leslie then turned up, their giggles & Leslie's huge laughter filling the room. Seeing Kristen & I in conversation they both just waved and offered gentle Hi's so as not to interrupt. Melissa arrived soon after, placing bags of food onto the middle of the table, gotta keep my kids well fed, she announced and motioned for everyone to help themselves as she began pulling different food stuffs from the bags.

Each day continued like this, I was feeling more comfortable and confident through each moment. Leslie had been a doll during the break times and would give me sentences to repeat exactly but in an American accent. You need to go into any store & have a conversation and not have anyone question, where are you from, she instructed. I nodded and made the most of the time she was offering me. Kate was never too far away from us, and always clouding my thoughts. The petite blonde was just as I had expected. A little pocket rocket full of fun and energy. The closeness of her and Leslie was adorable. I had my lines down pat & just needed to work on the delivery & expression. I spent an afternoon & evening with a voice coach to advise and suggest on my accent. The practice with Leslie had given me the extra boost I had needed.

By the Friday afternoon we were all delirious with excitement for our early finish and by 2pm we were done. Melissa, Leslie & Kristen all had family plans & I was desperate to head back to the hotel for a long hot bath. As we finished up I retreated to the couch to send Josh a text to let him know I was ready to be picked up. A hand squeezed my shoulder from behind and I looked up to see Kate standing behind me. I was mid text but forgot completely what I was doing when Kate sunk into the old sofa next to me. She laid her head back on the big cushions and smiled at me. Do you want to go eat?
I was confused for a moment, Eat?
Some food? Do you wanna go grab something to eat somewhere? I was puzzled for a moment & then replied, Sure. Yes let's!
Kate smiled at my eagerness. I sent Josh a text to let him know my plans and then headed out the door to a car Kate had waiting.

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