Chapter 6.

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Babes! Kate called to Melissa in greeting. I smiled, unsure where to look. My stomach was flipping like crazy, my palms were sweaty and my whole body tensed. Melissa turned to me as Kate approached the couch, Laura...Kate our Baby Girl. I stood up. Kate grinned at Melissa, put her hands on her hips and cocked her blonde head to the side, please give it a rest, it's not like I'm twelve. Kate turned to me with her mouth wide open in a smile, with her body tilted backwards she walked toward me, and opened her arms, embracing me over the back of the couch. Welcome Laura. How was your flight? Did you arrive today? I didn't want to let her go, she was so delicate. Only a few centimetres shorter than me though. Her embrace had been strong and genuine.  Yesterday, I replied, trying to keep my voice steady, I was able to sleep through though. Not too jet lagged this morning. My brow furled, what a dumb response I thought. At that moment everyone else walked in, including Josh, relief rushed over me. The room was busy with people. I could see Kristen and Leslie in the doorway, having some sort of heated argument which ended in laughter. Leslie caught my eye. Shit I had been staring. Looorrrraaaaaaa Leslie called out, haha! Welcome girl! The tall woman headed over to me, Kristen trailing behind her. They both greeted me eagerly and we embraced. I was surprised how genuine and warm they had been with their hugs. Not that I had expected anything less. I still felt like such an inexperienced outcast. Kristen took my sweat palms in hers, I am so happy for you lovely. What an experience for you. I nodded in response and just smiled at her. Kristen Wiig was talking to me. I felt so overwhelmed.

A burly gentleman had taken a seat at the head of the table. Seated in front of the pile of papers. Ladies he instructed and we headed over to the chairs. Melissa and I sat next to each other, Kristen opposite the burly gentleman, Kate opposite me and Leslie next to her. Josh came and sat on the couch behind me. I didn't know where to look. I thought it was safe to stare at the table, but then I remembered I needed to look confident and in control. So I folded up my legs on my chair to appear relaxed and focused on the man at he head of the table. I had no idea of his role but it seemed important. Kate leaned into Leslie and said something that made them both laugh. Leslie reached for her bottle of water and opened it, taking a swig. Paul? she questioned.
Unfortunately not today Leslie, replied the gentleman. We are just going to run through the schedule today and over parts of the script. The sooner we get through today's list the sooner you guys can head off and get some rest.
Laura, I freaked out for a moment and then met his eyes, welcome to Ghostbusters and congratulations honey. We were so impressed with your entry and your passion. You are exactly what we are looking for in Mikayla.
Mikayla? I was confused. Who the hell is Mikayla. My character was Tatiana? Wasn't it?
I nodded. I had a lot to say but none of it came out. I felt Kate's eyes on me, then everyone's eyes on me. Kate's blue ones were all that mattered to me at that moment. I dared to look over at her, she smiled at me and scrunched her nose. I grinned, finding confidence.
Mikayla? I finally asked.
You know her as Tatiana. We have had a few script changes since you received yours Laura. But rather than add any extra stress we didn't send you a copy of the new script, answered the man at the head of the table. I realised he had in fact introduced himself as James, a producer. I looked over to Josh, he just grinned at me, Lau, it wasn't worth worrying about, changes are constant in film.
We add lib all the time babe, it was Kate. I turned to her and smiled, she reached over the table and touched my hand, it's going to be so much fun. Our eyes locked and lingered, I hoped she hadn't felt the sweat on my palms as she let go. Kate sat back in her chair as James passed out the scrips. Nothing much has changed, he stated and stood up, opening his bottle of water as he started talking about characters and storyline and sets and a whole lot of information, important information that I was hoping Josh was paying attention to. I was buzzing with excitement.

I looked around the table, I felt a sudden urge of confidence. I made the effort to smile at each of the incredible women I was lucky enough to be sitting with. They were chatting, flicking through the pages, commenting, I barely took in what was actually being conversed about until Melissa tapped my arm, We're Ghostbusters, welcome to the Team.
I had no response, there were no words to express what I was feeling at that moment. I just smiled, I smiled so hard. Melissa smiled back and then looked back down at the pages in front of her. I looked up and over at Kate, she caught my gaze, Leslie was mid conversation with her, but she winked at me, and smiled. I blushed and looked away.
My new life had begun.

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