Chapter 15.

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I woke up to Kate nuzzling my neck with kisses.
It's the big day, she whispered. I felt my breath catch in my throat, not just from Kate's kisses but from the thought that yes, today filming officially begins. I leaned in and kissed Kate softly. The night had been indescribable. The sex had been rough, passionate but caring and gentle at the same time. We spent most of our night just holding each other, kissing softly.

I need a shower, I said as I rolled away from the beautiful figure next to me, swinging my legs over the the side of the bed. Kate chuckled, want company? I nodded, fearful about the day and needing all the comfort and reassurance I could get.
Kate stroked my back as I sat on the edge of the bed. Kate, I'm so excited, I'm so nervous.
It's going to be so much fun, you'll get to see how things work. Bring Mikayla to life!
I can't wait. I turned to face her and leaned in to kiss her.

I was still flustered from the night before and our rather erotic shower this morning. It was 6am and I was shivering, nervous about what the day would bring. We were already at the studio, I was in hair and make up, Kate in a chair next to me. Melissa called out from one end of the room, where she was sitting having her hair brushed, Wonton, Wonton, Wonton. I laughed, it made me feel at ease. Kristen was on my other side, grinning at me.
Kate stared at my reflection in the mirror. She smiled and winked. I shook my head with a smile.

Sooooooooo, ladies! It was Leslie. Sauntering in to the room, glancing at all our reflections in the mirrors. Leslie sat at a chair between Melissa and Kristen. The three of them turned their heads in unison, facing me. I turned too, to look at Kate sitting at the end, thinking she was making a face. Kate shrugged at me and then I turned back to the three staring Ghostbusters. Leslie broke into laughter and leaned forward in her chair, hands outstretched to each lady next to her, the hair stylist caught off guard. Pay up ladies, Leslie yelled, breaking into laughter. I was confused, Kristen noticed as she reluctantly handed Leslie a twenty dollar bill, Sorry Laura, Kate. Kristen laughed, it was cute. I started to understand what was happening, I heard Kate gasp and jump from her chair next to me.
We kinda made a bet, Kristen explained.
We , Melissa pointed to herself and Kristen, said we gave you two weeks longer to get together.
I, interrupted Leslie, pointing to her chest, said week one, hands down. And with another full volumed laugh she yanked another twenty, this time from Melissa. My eyes widened, I suddenly felt awkward. Kate was standing next to me. I looked up at her.
How, I stuttered.
Melissa laughed, we didn't knowwww, but the reaction from you both tells us Leslie is right.
Kristen, Leslie and Melissa all high fived.
I laughed, Kate laughed & slipped her arms around me from behind and kissed my cheek, I reach my hands up and hold onto her arms, leaning into her kiss.
Nawwww stooopppp Melissa cried with a giggle.
We all laughed and settled back down in our chairs, the frustrated stylists finally getting to work.
I glance over to Kate, then at my own reflection.

My stylist smiled at me, you ready to become Mikayla honey? I nod, knowing that from right now I was ready for anything. Mikayla was going to be the bad arse IT technician for the Ghostbusters, and I was going to portray her right. I was saying my lines over and over, closing my eyes at times and whispering them out loud, perfecting my accent. 

We were all dressed, made up and ready by 9am. I loved the way my hair looked, long dark dreadlocks up in a ponytail. I felt them whip my mid back. My own hair was only just below my shoulders, I had extensions fitted and parts of the hair was a wig. Kate had transformed into Holtzmann in front of me. Her golden locks piled upon her head and her lips a glossy plump pink. We walked down to our warehouse, Kate and I arm in arm. I glanced over, there next to me was Patty, Abby and Erin. This was unbelievable. Kristen caught my eye, Stay focused Laura, no crying! You don't want to have to have your make up redone! the now longer haired woman smiled, you're a Ghostbuster now.
I laughed, coz that's not going to make me cry!

We entered the massive set. I didn't know where to look, there was so much to see. People were bustling around, people were yelling instructions and there were bright flashes of light. I heard my name, it was Josh, Just came to wish you luck. It's gonna get busy, I'll check in on you later, text me when you get some down time. I nodded and he was briskly whisked away by a suited gentleman, another meeting I assumed. I looked over at Kate, she was already in her yellow lensed glasses, she met my gaze and smiled. The other three ladies  seemed to be busy doing something set related. I wasn't sure what to do, so I just stood, I tugged a little at my skirt.
Towards he back of the room I could see some of the Firehouse set, Kevin's desk, the lockers, Holtzmann's lab and a bunch of monitors and electrical equipment. I had been glad Chris wasn't joining us for another six weeks, his accent would have been too distracting for trying to lose mine, his face would have probably been distracting too.

Laura, Mikayla's scene, a voice called.
Shit, that was me. A man came over and pulled me to the back section of the warehouse and toward the Firehouse set. Suddenly Leslie was next to me.
Let's do this lady, she said. I instantly felt relieved.
We're going to try your entrance Laura, said the man, Patty will answer the door, and we'll go from there. I nodded. No cameras, the man yelled. I went over my scene. I pretended there wasn't a hundred eyes on me, I related to Patty well with my lines. The other girls were off having some photos taken, discussions regarding their scenes and were luckily not watching me. Leslie gave me a reassuring nod and we ran the scene a few more times. Paul then came running over, he held out a hand to me, I took it in mine and gave a firm shake, Laura! Fantastic! You look great, you sound great. I'm impressed! Paul was impressed, Paul Feig was impressed. Cameras began to roll and I was instantly used to the sound of the clapper board, Paul's voice calling action, cut, again. I wanted to see Kate, I wanted her to be watching. The morning flew and before I knew it, lunch was being called.

I sat close to Kate as we ate our sandwiches. She kissed my shoulder, it was still unbelievable seeing Holtzmann next to me. Kate must have read my mind, on a scale of one to ten how weird is it seeing me and the others like this? she motioned to everyone. Kristen piped up, scale of one to ten, she echoed. Definitely an eleven, I said with a chuckle and took a bite of my sandwich. Kristen looked puzzled for a minute and then leaned over to Melissa, and said in a loud fake whisper, theyyy don't knowww howw to counnnt in Australiaaa
We all laughed.

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